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Girls Night Out XXIV: No Way Out With Honor

Posted on Mon May 28th, 2018 @ 8:18pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Commander Fiona McCray & Commander Yuna Raza & Lieutenant Commander Selune
Edited on on Mon May 28th, 2018 @ 9:26pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Operation: Risa!
Location: Risa, Rome arcology, the seedy section
Timeline: 2265

Seige: From Fedepedia, the Federation encyclopedia

Siege tactics continue to be employed in police conflicts. This has been due to a number of factors, primarily risk to life, whether that of the police, the besieged, bystanders or hostages. Police make use of trained negotiators, psychologists and, if necessary, force, generally being able to rely on the support of their nation's armed forces if required.

One of the complications facing police in a siege involving hostages is the Stockholm syndrome where sometimes hostages can develop a sympathetic rapport with their captors. If this helps keep them safe from harm this is considered to be a good thing, but there have been cases where hostages have tried to shield the captors during an assault or refused to co-operate with the authorities in bringing prosecutions.


"Ohhhh bugger," Fi looked from one woman to the other, "We cuid surrender and explain things... boot... ah... do any oov you have ident or communicators?" She gave them a hopeful look.

"I've still got my ID, but let's put a pin in that for right now... our alibis are awfully flimsy at the moment," Charybdis said, then turned. "Doctor, please- just work on your patients. We went through a lot to bring that man to you- help him, please. One of us made him a promise."

"All I have is my credit transfer device," Yuna said miserably, retrieving the device from her cleavage. Thankfully it hadn't moved - a testament to good support. "It's got my account details on it, but they'll prolly reckon that's stolen as well," she finished, retrieving the device and placing it on the counter along with the necklace.

"We're totally innocent," Fiona blinked, "...well, aside fruim tha hover theft, the assault, all that property damage and breakin' a few dozen traffic laws... but we were sorely pro-voked! To be fair, they were shootin' at us!"

The sounds of multiple heavy vehicles landing nearby underscored the gravity of the situation.

Tilting her head, Selune smiled wistfully at the sound murmuring half to herself as she identified them, "Class-F civilian remodels.. at least 5 of them sound like... assault teams unloading. Going to have a lot of company out there. Next time let's borrow one of those instead."

Fiona offered Selune a rude hand gesture in lieu of commenting.

Right on time, according to the hostage negotiator's handbook, the interior communication line for the clinic began chiming.

Yuna reached over delicately across the mostly-frosted doors and turned the deadbolt with a shrug. "Couldn't hurt..."

Three measured paces forward, military about-face, three paces back, military about-face, repeat. Char paced for a good four passes them muttered at Fiona. "Any other exits, Selune?"

"There's a back door that's pretty well covered right now, and a big hatch in the floor in the sublevel below this one," she replied from her scout.

Fiona snapped her fingers and yanked out her PDD. A couple of moments later she was cursing the system in Gaelic then sighed and said, "...add hacking into tha city data base to our infractions..." in a very low tone to the pacing amazon. "Maybe we kin get adjoining cells in tha brig"

Three measured paces forward, military about-face. "Everyone please move away from the doors. Nurse, may we please have a few surgical masks? It might be a little late, but better to try and fail than never to have tried at all." Three measured paces back, military about-face.

"Let's let the negotiators wait for now... hopefully we won't have to talk to them. Doctor, we assure you," she expressed as the nurse handed her a surgical mask and she slipped it on, "we won't bring nor allow harm to you, your staff nor your patients. But we are going to try to escape."

"Anyone got a brilliant getaway plan they're dying to share?" the statuesque science officer asked with a rueful grin, hidden by the surgical mask. "Is there any way out of this... we're completely surrounded, we have medical resources at hand but civilians at risk and we've no way to contact reinforcements... though right now I would rather prefer they not know where we are either, necessarily."

"Up, down, an amazing stealth plan... I am allllll ears folks..." the Vulcan vixen quipped.

Fiona tapped away at the PDD and finally said simply, "Crap."

She looked grim "Ummmm" and chewed her lower lip for a moment then looked over at the downy white Caitian. If Yuna hadn't been looking straight at the tiny woman she wouldn't have seen the evil grin flit across her elfin features before the grim look came back.

" We are SO not going where I think we're going...." Yuna started, then reminded herself that the alternative was an unpadded cell with her name on it...

"Well... aside fruim givin' ourselves oop and hopin fer tha best...." Fiona held out the PDD, "There might be anoother way oot..."

"An aqueduct? The Rome arcology actually maintains their sewer and water through a genuine aqueduct?" Char boggled, looking over the schematic Fiona had conjured up. "These people really put in that extra mile for your experience, I have to say..."

Like many poor sections of town, the clinic used an old building. This particular building was directly over a subterranean aqueduct system, and had apparently been built initially as an access station. The building above was simply an addition over the access point.

The Scott shrugged, "Ok, so God is on our side. The bad news is that it's Mercury, or quite possibly Loki."

"Meaning that you can't tell us whether it is a water line or a sewer line...?" Chary guessed.

"Noooo... not precisely," Fi hedged with another sidelong glance at their feline friend.

Without hesitation Char opened her mouth to speak, just as the Risian Security Force boomed their amplified voice over the landscape again. Apparently since the telephone wasn't being answered, they were stepping it up a bit.


The voluptuous Vulcan shook her head. "Don't care, we're going. Fi, get us access please. Everybody, downstairs. Doctor, we're genuinely sorry for all the trouble. We'll return the jewels and make this right... somehow. Just take care of Noodleman over there."

Yuna giggled at the mention of 'noodleman', then scarpered in the direction Char indicated. Nothing was better than beating a hasty retreat. Sometimes it just saves your life.

"You know, my name Jackie. All his time, nobody ever ask my name. Pretty girls alllll the same. You get me stunned, you haul me around, you throw me around in car chase, put me in middle of hostage situation," he paused in his irritated diatribe and smiled, a crooked smile with all of the swelling, but his one good eye did sparkle. "You girls best date I ever have. You come back someday, noodles on house! Jackie not seem to remember what you look like... it all haze to me."

" Date? This ain't no bloody date, we were SUPPOSED to be having a nice night out!" Yuna shouted behind her. Date... the man was on drugs... seriously!

"I don't know if that's reassuring or distressing..." Selune pondered.

The petite engineer popped to her feet and gave Jackie a kiss on the forehead. "You poor man, you need to get out more," she said then laughed. "I hope you can cook, at least." She motioned towards the back of the building, "This way. Sorry Doc, we'll send creds to pay up... but we're not staying for the party."

With a finger Chary motioned to the wide elastic belt she had strapped around Fiona earlier. "May I have that back please Fi?" Fiona nodded and passed the belt over.

Holding the elastic back Charybdis dug out the hidden zipper and opened the hidden pocket in her belt. "Thanks for reminding me, Fiona." She dug out a pale blue datacard and tossed it to Jackie. "Pay our bill Jackie. Pay everybody's bill, fix your cart and take a nice vacation. I hear Risa's nice. Just give us a few minutes headstart if you're willing, doctor, before you let the authorities in. We'd appreciate it."

With that she collected Yuna's credit device and the necklace from the counter, gingerly placed them into one of the pockets of her jacket and zippered it shut, then followed the troop into the basement.




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