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Girls Night Out XI: Meanwhile...

Posted on Sat Apr 28th, 2018 @ 8:11pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Commander Fiona McCray & Commander Yuna Raza & Lieutenant Commander Selune
Edited on on Sat Apr 28th, 2018 @ 9:46pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Operation: Risa!
Location: Risa, Roma Arcology, Empress hotel penthouse suite
Timeline: 2265

Finding out that his quarry had taken up residence in one of Risa's finest resorts (and in the Penthouse suite, no less) had put a bit of a crimp in the Panther's style. And it wasn't the first crimp of the day, either. He had been beset by the eerie feeling that his unwitting mule's companion had been suspicious of him back on the train, but he had shaken that off as simple paranoia over a job gone unexpectedly complicated. After all, why would two pretty fleet officers obviously on shore leave have reason to be suspicious of a total stranger?

He'd taken the day to plan his approach. His partners had watched the women while he researched the hotel's security. All day he'd dreaded the possibility of them discovering the jewels he'd tucked into the petite redhead's baggage while she'd been distracted by her surroundings and the electronic geegaw that she'd been fiddling with, but no alarm had gone up so he had relaxed.

It became a waiting game. After all, theft became easier under cover of darkness, and he had the patience to wait until nightfall. A hasty thief was a thief who got caught.

The women had obliged him by going out for the evening, which was fortunate... with four of them it would have been difficult to get in and get out undetected and he most likely would have had to make arrangements for a diversion. However, in their absence it became a simple second-story job... seventy-two stories up, to be precise, but the principles remained the same. Smith and Jones had contacted him when the foursome vacated the hotel, evidently out on the town for a romp. He smiled a piper's smile... this would give him time to retrieve his goods and make his escape with none the wiser.

The Panther took the lift to the hotel's rooftop restaurant- from there it was a simple matter of doing a free climb down the hotel's outer wall under the cover of darkness. He silently thanked the inventor of grav boots. They'd made being a second story man so much easier than it had been in years past. He waited for the scheduled distraction, then adjusted his tie and very casually stepped off the restaurant balcony and strolled to the penthouse suite's lanai.

If anyone saw him from below they would see an impeccably dressed man out for a somewhat unconventional walk. If security got antsy he would claim a need for air and the sighting of an angry husband. Keep it was a motto that had served him well over the years.

No one stopped him or even seemed to take note of his presence. He dropped lightly down on to the Penthouse balcony and chuckled when he saw the open french doors " Well... thank you ladies," he gave the missing occupants a courtly bow. "You just made my job so very much easier- how kind of you!" He slipped on a pair of microfiber gloves with practiced ease.

Still smiling he strolled through the doorway enjoying the luxuriant ambience of the suite. He looked around, taking in the lush sybaritic environment with the air of a true connoisseur. He picked up one of the still mostly full champagne flutes and was about to take a sip when he noticed the jewelry bags and beauty products littering the ottoman and large coffee table. His eyes widened as he recognized a few of the pieces he'd boosted from the exhibit and their bags scattered in amongst the high end junk jewelry and semi-precious pieces of someone's personal collection.


He put down the glass a bit too swiftly, causing it to tip over and shatter on the floor. Ignoring it he went to the ottoman and began pawing through the wreckage, untangling precious jewels from cheap knockoffs and magpie leavings. "No where is it?"

"WHERE... IS... IT?!?"

After a frantic search of the ottoman followed by a thorough search of the rest of the suite, the Panther pulled out his communicator and punched in a code " We have a problem..."

His voice was much calmer than he felt. The Syndicate did not tolerate thieves who stole from them, after all...


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