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Breakfast of Champions II

Posted on Wed Nov 9th, 2016 @ 7:17am by Commander Fiona McCray & Commander Yuna Raza & Lieutenant Commander Selune
Edited on on Wed Nov 9th, 2016 @ 7:18am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Operation: Risa!
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Six, Crew mess room
Timeline: 2265

OOC- This is the second half of the Breakfast of Champions post that got a little tied up- JPs between four people can do that sometime. So while this is a bit out of sequence with current continuity, please forgive us our trespass as we now present, the rest of the story... which we join already in progress. ~C, F, S & Y

The engineer chuckled at both women. "Yeah, oil and fur...not a guid mix," she narrowed her eyes slightly at the Trill. "Diina kin aboot the spots, might could work," she shrugged. "A bit o' natural cammo if ye will"

Fiona pointed towards the viewport and said "Wow, look... a nova!" and stole some bacon off of Yuna's tray.

She grinned at the women then answered Selune's question "Nary a clue what Char has planned. Somehow I dinna think I'll be gettin as mooch time as I want to with me manuals. Do you two have bail money?" she asked.

"Bail? Bail for what?"

Fi snorted, "Bail fer whatever trouble we wind oop in. Char's a love boot she's two tons a'trouble on a pair of stiletto heels. I'm picturing anything from tribble races to bustin a slavery ring."

She speared a blue berry with her fork and waved it about for punctuation "It won't be her fault... ohhhhh no... it twill joost come along and find her. Gorgeous women are magnets fer it. Jest ye watch an mark me words."

"Trouble? There won't be any trouble... unless we get caught," Yuna said with a knowing smile. She'd been to Risa before... ahh those were the days when one young unattached Trill could get away with just about anything.

"True" Fiona said with a grin. "I suggest we wear track shoes an clothin' thet will blend in."

"Spots blend with everything, specially when one is blended oneself!" Yuna chuckled, taking the opportunity to steal the bacon back from Fiona's plate.

"Mmmm bacon..."

"There's some cheek for you," the engineer made a mock stab at Yuna's hand with her fork. "It does taste better if it's filched," she gave a slight shrug. "Whatever Char's got planned I'm sure twill be well intended and fun."

"I'm not pinching, I'm just returning that shiny piece of meat to its previous owner and rightful plate," Yuna retorted, avoiding the fork by the skin of her teeth.

Fiona pasted on a pious expression. "I'm sure I dinna kin what you're going on about," she gave Selune at pointed look. "Do you know what she's on aboot? I think eets a clear cut case of tragic space dementia," she waggled an eyebrow at the caitian. "How hard did ye hit her noggin?"

Selune shrugged distractedly, watching the two at play, "Apparently a lot harder than I thought?" she offered.

"Hard enough... but I can't be sure. I think I was trying not to barf at that point in time," Yuna admitted, looking sheepishly down at her mostly finished breakfast. She reclaimed her coffee cup and took a hearty swig of the dark liquid.

Fiona grinned at the pilot then nodded at Yuna "Aye... I noticed thet. My Da would say you should have some hair oov that dog that bit ye boot... truly if it bites I prefer tae leave that dog alone for a bit," she shrugged.

"You're doin reet well now though," she gave the shrinking pilot a pat. "Doan fret ye none wee lassie, Yuna's head is hard tae crack. She'll tie ye in knots some other time, aye?"

"I guess I'll keep working on the stomach then..." the quiet Caitian joked.

"I tell you what though - there is nothing like a good ass kicking to remind one of one's limits and vulnerability - it can make one improve out of sight," Yuna admitted, knowing the hangover did have something to do with the aforementioned ass whipping. But still...

A chuckle came from the engineer. "Tis good to be reminded thet we're fallible..." she'd almost said human out of pure reflex but managed to stop herself. She cocked her head and looked at the pensive pilot. "What's troubling ye, Puss? You've been moving thet same bite around on yer plate for the last 10 minutes"

Selune self-consciously stabbed at the offending morsel and stuffed it into her face with a grimace directed at Fiona, "Nothing really... just contemplating the long term effects of throwing myself at my superior officer, you know. The usual," she laughed half-heartedly before shaking her head, "mixed choice for career advancement you know."

The engineer put her fork down and looked the young pilot directly in the eye "Oh? I dinna think she took et thet way," She gave Selune a reassuring smile. "Besides, Char's involved in a relationship so there's no worry. She kins it was joost a tactic"

"It was joost a tactic... right?"

The Caitian slowly nodded before freezing, tilting her head slightly in confusion, "Wait... Chary's uh, in a ruh-relationship?" she stammered.

Fiona nodded. "Aye," she lowered her voice not knowing how common the knowledge was. "She and the Captain are together..."

"I... I had no idea," Selune murmured and I just threw myself at her, to win the match but still... "I have to get ready for my shift," she muttered, excusing herself in the closest thing she could manage to a dead pan voice, pushing herself up and hastily shuffling from the room without another word.

"Uh oh," Fiona winced then said to Yuna as she watched the Caitian flee. "I think someone has a bit of a schoolgirl crush on the Lieutenant Commander..."

"I THINK - that you may be reading into it a little," Yuna finished, sucking down the dregs of her coffee. "And on that note, off to keep the Federation peace another day - catch you later."


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