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Battle Babes: Flashing Blades & Sudden Moves

Posted on Wed Nov 9th, 2016 @ 6:51am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Commander Fiona McCray & Commander Yuna Raza & Lieutenant Commander Selune
Edited on on Wed Nov 9th, 2016 @ 6:51am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Operation: Risa!
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 7, Main gymnasium
Timeline: 2265

Fiona winced in sympathy. "Oh aye... thet went well," she said with a soft chuckle. "I wonder why she decided to damage hersel' the night before our Tuesday workout?" she gave the Caitian a gentle rumple on the shoulder. "Guid work. Yuna usually beats us like drums, you may have had a wee bit of help from that drink boot thet was a well done match!"

Rolling off the floor, Charybdis tousled the feline humanoid's hair. "Nice work Selune, and interesting tactics. How about you and Fiona next... or would you rather we try out out these needles with handles Fiona's willing to teach is to fight with?"

It took severe willpower for Selune to not rub against Chary's hand before she shook herself free of the pair, flailing slightly, "No no, you two can play with them. I'd rather take a break anyway," she broke into a small grin, "I must admit... It wasn't quite what I expected."

"Well, have no fear.. it's only sparring, Lieutenant. Go ahead and take the sidelines if you like and you can watch the red terror here whip me with one of these for a while." Charybdis picked up the pair of fencing foils and masks, then handed one of each to Fiona. She took a few steps back and then awaited instruction, letting Fiona take the lead as the instructor. After all, the first step to safely sparring in any form was establishing the rules of safety, and this was most definitely not her arena.

The swords were different from the pair that Char had seen on Fi's wall. They were somewhat lighter and the tips had bulbous buttons on them. The engineer took her friend through some basic steps before starting to spar. "Fencing is aboot finesse. It's like a dance for every move there is a response. These are foils...only the last few inches will do any damage they're a thrusting weapon rather than a slashing weapon"

"This is where reach is important" Fiona demonstrated a lunge then squared her shoulders, took a sideways stance and said " time"

The seductive science officer squared off as she had been shown, dominant foot forward, toe pointing toward Fiona while her non-dominant foot trailed behind, toe perpendicular to the the petite redhead. She held her trailing arm above and behind her head, fingers pointing toward the engineer while her sword wielding hand was extended, pointing toward her opponent. She exhaled slowly and debated letting Fiona come at her and learning to work her defense... but it really was not her way.

She stepped forward in the shuffle-step that Fiona had demonstrated, keeping the point of the blade toward her opponent and attempting to poke her, which was ostensibly the point of the exercise.

After a few parries and lunges for some reason Fiona giggled behind her mask and said, "But I... am not left handed!" She tossed the foil over into her other hand and pressed an attack on the shapely scientist that gave no quarter. Char was hard pressed to parry the flashing blade as she replied, "You are amazing!"

If it had been a real sword she would have certainly had to replace her workout gear and visited sickbay for some serious wound repair. The pokes were light taps, each one causing a little buzzing sound and there were a lot of buzzing sounds being heard.

Fi gave the foil an odd little counterclockwise flourish and the weapon parted company with Charybdis' hand.

" it up and I'll show you slower how I did that." Charybdis fetched the discarded weapon and stepped back onto the fencing line, and Fiona proceeded to follow through and demonstrate slowly how she had achieved the disarm.

"The nice thing aboot fencing is thet the technique can be used with improvised weapons as well. " She grinned up at her friend " I can swing a mean pool cue and table cloth combo."

For her part, Charybdis could see how this was an interesting combination she had never considered before. Her athleticism and her reach and balance all actually came into play... if she perhaps got more practice she could see where even her acrobatics could come into play. However, the dextrous and nimble wrist motions fell into the same category as so many activities she had discovered... her brain outmaneuvered her hands, and in between she just ended up managing to be clumsy.

In short, she would likely never be a great fencer... but she could be capable, and it was actually quite fun. She had no trouble being on the losing end of the bargain, and Fiona wasn't working to embarrass her- instead, she was showing off a bit, intriguing her audience and then showing how it was done. It was quite the effective lesson plan, at least for Charybdis.

Fi took some time to correct Char's stance and grip, the next 'round' was more play than work but by the end of it both women had worked up a nice sweat . After a drink of water and a little breather the engineer showed both women a couple of wrist strengthening exercises and introduced them to a little bit of torture that she called "sit on tha wall"
It involved pretending you were sitting in a low char and that the bulkhead was the chair back. It looked simple enough but after a moment or two it became tiresome then painful.

"It strengthens yer legs and makes yer lunges stronger" the small scott explained "boot the longest I kin hold thet withoot issues is aboot two hours. "

She mopped her face with a towel and flexed her arms, working the stiffness out of the one that had been recently broken. She gave both women a wise grin " I hear we're bound for Risa.... I plan ta spend at least 2 days sittin on the beach catchin oop on me technical" manuals then I'm going to overhall me girl's innerds make sure she's tip top before we put out on another mission"
Evidently the engineer didn't have a firm grasp on the concept of shore leave.

"Oh, we'll see if we can get your girl innards overhauled while we're there, Fi..." Char added with a wry grin. Apparently she had an entirely different interpretation of shore leave herself....

"I'm tempted to just stay on the ship, maybe play around with the shuttles," Selune chipped in with a shrug, "It sounds hot and loud down there..."

Stifling her natural response, Char smiled gently. "Really, Selune... Risa and you want to hide on a shuttle?" She sighed and shook her head. "How about you come out with me and the girls... we'll look out for you, and we can go enjoy the night life and get in some good times together, huh?"

Selune tilted her head slightly with half a grin as she looked back at her superior, "Why do I get the feeling that's another implied order?" she asked with a small laugh once again pushing back her overly persistent hair, "Well, if it'll keep you happy I guess it can't be all bad down there..."

"Atta girl! That's more like it. So you want to take on Fiona with her flashing blades next or would you prefer to slapfight with me?" On the surface it seemed like a lose/lose proposition, but in reality Char saw it as a win either way... whichever battle she chose, neither woman was particularly competitive nor were they particularly ill-tempered.

Fiona flopped down on the sidelines and waited.

Eying the two of them warily Selune considered whether it would have been safer to simply take a dive earlier. She didn't long before caving to peer pressure, letting the ironic grin from earlier claw its way back across her face, "I guess I'll go with the easier option," she laughed nodding to Chary, "I'd rather not get poked to the ground just so Fiona can prove shes the more talented. At least with you I have a slim chance."

"Ah thank god...I'm done" the engineer fell over into a heap. "Wake me oop fer breakfast!"

"You seem to have a fine grasp of defensive fighting to my eye, so more than a slim chance. After all, it's not like I'm a mistress of the martial arts or anything..." the Vulcan vixen smiled at that... something of a predatory smile, to Selune's eye actually as she squared off against the lithe and limber Caitan.

They circled one another warily for a few seconds, Char making a few feints to get Selune used to the idea that she was in the same space and giving her a feel for the sturdier woman's flow and feel before she threw a few light kicks and punches the white-furred helmsman's way. It was obvious that she was taking it easy and giving the junior officer a chance to relax and grasp the concept that sparring was just that.

Relaxing into the less aggressive routine, Selune let her body do the work for her. Her mind falling back into the routine of dodging and deflecting as she tried to gauge her sparring partners abnormal attributes. She had already seen for a fact that woman was possessed of enough strength to be dangerous but so far she seemed to simply be enjoying the interplay of a light session.

After a few passes Selune decided to try her luck. Waiting until Chary began another strike, rolling her wrist along the commanders and pushing the blow wide before throwing a soft blow towards her stomach and lightly dancing away.

"There we go!" Charybdis exclaimed encouragingly. "Now you're getting the idea." With that, she began moving more smoothly, sliding into a series of punches and kicks, giving Selune an offense to defend against. As she deflected the occasional blow the Caitan realized that the blows still had practically no power behind them- if anything it was as if Chary were focusing on limiting her strength while still using her skill to attack... and apparently she was not terribly unskilled.

The interplay between the two continued for what seemed to Selune an eternity. Freely giving ground as she focused on avoiding the majority of the blows, using the momentum of a few to force openings and counter before something warned her she had almost retreated out of the ring. Waiting for the next series of strikes to begin, assuming that they would be designed around forcing her to give ground, she took a shuffled step forward feigning a low kick. As Chary moved to block, the Caitian latched onto her still swinging fist and simply dropped herself to the ground dragging Chary forward with a stumbled step across the edge of the ring. In a real fight it would have been particularly ineffective but in this case it was all that was needed.

It got applause from the lazy peanut gallery.

"Clever..." Charybdis said with a smile as she picked her arm back up with seemingly no effort, holding the cat off the ground as she held onto the arm. "That's one to you, kitty. You might want to let go though for the next round, hmmm?"

Had she not seen Chary warming up earlier Selune probably would have fallen over in surprise as she was easily hoisted by the curvaceous commander. Even with that knowledge she gave a small squeak of surprise, much to her own embarrassment before letting going and shuffling across the ring to take her position.

She allowed a small smile as she squared off, "But then how would I get off the floor?" she joked as she let her arms sweep wide and allowed the obviously stronger woman take the initiative.

The pointy-eared vixen tossed a few kicks and punches, maintaining a relaxed stance before her hand snaked out unexpectedly and latched onto the slender woman's wrist, then spun her around as she yanked her into a hold. "And?" she expressed as she clutched the cat to her chest, pinning the white-furred arms together against the feline's chest with an arm around her frame.

Selune struggled against the Vulcan's amazonian strength for a brief spell, trying to squirm free from her gentle but unyielding hold before giving in and submitting to her situation, "Ok, ok. I give," she grumbled light-heartedly relaxing herself and waiting to be set free.

The science officer spun the helmsman free as if it were a dance move, performed a mock curtsy and then squared off against her opponent once more with a smile. "Okay, even score. Now show me that you know how to go on the offense, kitty cat." Char smiled and raised her guard, then waited.

There was a small pause as Selune waited to see if the words were a feint to draw her in before she rolled her eyes fractionally in protest. Shifting her stance and lightly dancing towards Chary, throwing a lazy jab to see if she would rise to the bait. The blow was obviously well below Selune's capability in speed but she was still playing cautious to see how much of a switch her partner had undergone.

When the blow was simply ignored she began to settle into a more offensive mindset, trying to draw out the guard of science officer. She had already had two lessons in how strong she was and didn't feel that trying to bludgeon through would ever meet with success.

After several unsuccessful attempts to bring Chary out of position she opted for a different approach. Pushing forward with two high strikes before dropping into a roll, using her momentum to carry her behind the Vulcan and throwing a kick at the back of her knees.

Demonstrating surprising situational awareness Charybdis hopped nimbly over the low kick, flipping over her opponent with one finger balanced on the Caitian's head as she did so. She landed in a crouch behind the feline, just inside the boundary of the ring, her weight evenly balanced and her stance ready.

Selune followed Chary's flip with barely contained surprise, only her training rolling her back to her feet and facing the right way. She began another shuffling advance before her natural impulsiveness forced its way to the surface. Grinning to herself she began a sudden dash directly at the firmly planted statue of a woman in what looked to be a simple tackle. Pushing her body to the limit of its speed and fully committing to it even as Charybdis readied herself for the incoming ball of fur.

Arms splayed wide, Selune pulled up short just before contact. Her body straining against itself as she bled off most of her momentum but still being crushed against the well grounded commander's body. Selune's arms instantly wrapped around the woman's waist drawing herself closer as she executed the true plan. She brought her face in close and forced her lips against Chary's in a deep kiss. Holding herself there in a lovers embrace as her leg slowly snaked around the Vulcan's and sharply hooked back, dragging Chary off balance and with a slight push, Selune sent them both to the ground and out of the ring.

There was a hoot from the sidelines, "Well...there's a tactic!"

The voluptuous vixen dropped like a tree felled by a lumberjack, hitting the floor like a statue... apparently of all the potentialities of combat she had trained for, this was not a possibility she had ever anticipated. Even after hitting the ground her violet eyes were open quite wide, and her arms were somewhat splayed to the side... by all appearances she was in shock.

Fiona's laughter rang out filling the whole gym " och...your face."

Breaking herself from the stunned science officers lips and slowly pushing herself upright, Selune managed a shy laugh, caught somewhere near a nervous giggle, as she tried to free herself of the hair that had fallen over her face. "You know, I honestly had no idea if that would work..." she murmured with more than a hint of self-consciousness, shifting back onto her feet and offering Charybdis a hand.

The seductive scientist sat up slowly, looked around somewhat blankly, then made eye contact with Selune. She raised an eyebrow, then burst out laughing as she took the offered hand. "Selune, that was absolutely brilliant! Unexpected, bold and completely effective! Bravo!" It was obvious that she was genuinely impressed with the inventive maneuver.

There was a brief stammering of half formed words from the Caitian as she helped Charybdis to her feet, the realization of just what she had done sinking in, before she simply gave in to the embarrassment and swayed silently, her eyes on the floor while she scrambled to think of something intelligent to say.

" had the benefit oov bein' completely unorthodox" the chief engineer observed from her supine position. "Have tae remember thet for the future" Her grin turned wicked " Dare ya tae do thet to auld Dottie!"

That brought mildly uproarious laughter from the emotional executive officer. "Oh my sweet Al'thindor, as much as I would pay to see that, I somehow think that she might not react all that well to such a tactic..."

Fiona snorted " Oh...I dunno...I think it twould do her a world o' good tae get shaken oop a mite" with that she frowned slightly " Has anyone seen her coom oot of tha loo yet?"

"Hmmmm... I would imagine that we might catch up with her at breakfast. We'll save her a cup of coffee... black. You done for the morning, tiny terror?" Charybdis asked, looking down at the diminutive engineer.

"Aye... a mite oover done. "Fi flexed her arm and stretched, "Boot it's a good oover done."

"You really should be careful with yourself," Selune murmured as she silently padded to the engineer and offered a hand, still painfully avoiding any level of eye contact with anything that wasn't the floor, "Breakfast would be good, something to eat and a long shower would suit me just fine."

The first officer looped an arm over the shoulders of both of her friends and chuckled. "Breakfast it is, ladies... a good start to a good day, I'm thinking. Another glorious day in Starfleet!"

Another glorious day indeed.


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