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Green Fever

Posted on Wed Aug 3rd, 2016 @ 11:29pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Seven, Main Brig
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Kolari

Morning came early for the Romulan former infiltrator who was in point of fact so successful that she had adopted nearly human mannerisms while gaining the disciplines of the Vulcan she was pretending to be, and advancing rapidly in her career as a Starfleet officer.

If Lieutenant Charybdis wasn't careful someone was going to pin a medal to her bosom at this rate. Assuming they didn't try and shoot her for treason.

To an observer who actually understood her convoluted origins and background it might be said that she had left it all behind and chosen to pursue an entirely new life path, but instead she was working on integrating it all into a successful whole, a patchwork quilt of a past that brought all of her life's experiences together to use them in her current day to day life.

It was challenging, to be certain, but she was taking it one day at a time.

Today held a variety of challenges for her... the first one being that she awoke alone and on the floor. Apparently in the night she had gotten tired of being unable to get cool and relocated her and her body pillow to the floor in an attempt to leech off her body heat. This left her waking up somewhat stiff and sore, but at least she had slept. She certainly had not slept restfully though, and her recent morning 'exercise routine' was also unavailable to her without the energetic and enthusiastic human whose bed she now shared.

Sighing, Chary allowed herself a moment of leaning against the bed and cuddling the body pillow. There was no way for her to deny it... she missed her hunky human. He had better come back to me, dammit. And next time he has an away mission he had better bring me along. Otherwise how was she supposed to watch out for him? Admittedly somewhat ludicrous, but it was how she felt. She supposed someone had to take care of the ship while he was gone. Which in turn reminded her that she was in command, and there were duties to tend to.

Off the floor and on with the day, Char. Shower, uniform, breakfast and start facing the crisis.

As she stood in the shower she reflected on the fact that she seemed to have gained a nickname... and not one based upon her physical attributes, her personality of her theoretical heritage. It wasn't really even fitting for how her name was supposed to be pronounced, but it seemed to be catching on... well, if she herself was starting to use it that was certainly a sign.

One clean uniform, one proper hairbrushing... so much easier now that her toiletries were here, though she was careful not to leave them lying about so that they would become an irritant... with some quick boot polishing and she was off to breakfast when the call came in over the intercom. "Lieutenant Charybdis, please respond." She strode to the comm panel in the corridor and flipped the switch.

"This is Lieutenant Charybdis, go ahead."

"Your presence is requested on Deck 7, ma'am," replied the comm officer, and Charybdis sighed. "Have two security officers who are about to come on duty meet me there, send four appropriate meals from the galley as well and I'm on my way."

Deck 7 meant the brig, which meant that her first challenge of the day was officially underway.

She took the turbolifts down, since she knew what this was about, and she was prepared for it. Sure enough, upon arriving at the brig there were the Nausicaans, moping in their cells while the Kolari slave girls paced in theirs.

Interesting. The Nausicaans, ideally free men, were somewhat placidly accepting their fate, while the slaves were anxious and irritated by their captivity... odd behavior for slaves. When they saw her entering she watched their expressions go from hopeful to downright surly there for a second before they slid them back into innocent looks of victimization and pleading.

"Please, let us out, we've done nothing wrong! We were slaves, stolen from our homes and kept against our wills! We've done nothing wrong, why do you keep us caged?"

"Because we are in a hazard situation and I cannot risk the distraction that you would inevitably cause aboard the ship," she replied as she worked at the control console. "Ensign Lance, Ensign Gordon, I understand- you have been on duty here far too long on my draconian orders, and at this point you are past the safe limit of duty even for guard duty. You have performed quite adeptly and you are to be commended for your actions- I will see to it that happens when your chief returns. In the meanwhile your relief is arrived, and you may go. Again, thank you for your tireless efforts- they are greatly appreciated, ensigns."

At that the relief security officers arrived, two walking walls of beef in red shirts with no necks. Security officers in Starfleet tended to follow certain patterns, and this was definitely one of them... truthfully it was most of them. Charybdis finished tapping in commands to the control panel as the galley delivery arrived. She punched in an algorithm and prepared to lower the forcefields. "Gentlemen, if you would be so kind?"

One of the security officers covered the prisoner with a phaser as the other delivered the meal, and Charybdis lowered the force fields one by one. This was repeated individually until each one was finished, and she noted the smiles, the stroking of the fingers and the subtle cues that the Kolath slave girls gave off. She could learn a trick or two from these females, she mused, and she watched the security officer's confrontational body language relax when facing the exotic green-skinned women.

With the forcefields back in place, she punched in another sequence and turned to instruct the security personnel. "There is no reason for these cells to be opened, correct?"

The two looked at one another, then back at the curvaceous commander. "No ma'am," they replied.

"Good. Then when I return for the lunchtime prisoner feeding we will collect their breakfast plates and silverware- until then their cells will remain sealed. That is a direct order- is that understood?"

There was more brow furrowing and confusion, but the security officers stepped to attention. "Yes sir... ma'am!"

Smirking, the science officer departed. She was curious how her experiment would play out .

Roughly four hours later on the bridge, an alarm flashed on her panel, and she asked for Ensign Rondborstig to patch her through to the brig while she brought up the security monitor on her own viewer at the Science station. Sure enough, the slave girls were eagerly instructing the security officers, who were trying to open the cells. "Hurry, Barry.... lower the force field so that we can be together and you can save me from this execution they are planning for me!"

"Ensign Rondborstig, please have an armed security detail meet me at the turbolift on Deck Twelve please, on the double," the lieutenant ordered as she departed the bridge, snatching up her tricorder on the way. Upon her arrival at Deck Twelve, sure enough there were four beefy red-shirted men with no necks and phasers in their hands waiting for her.

"Excellent! If you gentlemen would be so kind as to accompany me..." she explained the situation along the way, and by the time they arrived at the brig, they knew what to do. She stopped in the doorway, seemingly alone, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Mister Allen, just what is it that you think you are doing?" she asked archly.

Ensign Allen looked both guilty and confused. "Uh, I was, ah..."

"Help me! He's trying to open the cell so that he can have his way with me! Oh please, I am begging you, don't let him get to us..." one of the Kolari slave girls cried rather convincingly. If Charybdis hadn't watched the footage from a few moments ago and heard her encouragements she might even have believed her. "Gentlemen, you are relieved. You are to report directly to sickbay for a full physical and psychological evaluation, and then you will be confined to quarters under guard until further notice."

The two security officers looked confused as the other Kolari cried out, "She can open the cells, Hal! Get her!" The two security officers moved slightly forward, seemingly none too convinced of this being a good plan when the security detail stepped forward from around the corner, phasers drawn.

"Mmmmmm, I think not. Curious and curioser. You two, escort these two to sickbay if you will- keep phasers drawn, be prepared to stun them if they resist in the least and inform sickbay that they are to be restrained for their own good and considered compromised. You two are now on duty here- understood?" The two remaining security officers took up positions as she scanned the area with her tricorder, taking note of a number of factors and sampling energy wavelengths, environmental conditions and making notes to use the lateral sensors to comb this area for when she returned to the bridge. The Kolari seemed rather put out, and they flopped back down on the benches in their cells.

"When do we get fed again?" one of them asked, kicking over the tray from breakfast still in her cell. Charybdis chuckled.

"When the next duty shift comes on. Have no fear, you will have more opportunities to work your wiles. In the meanwhile I have confidence that you will not starve. And the security locks on your cells, just so that you know, are an equation that I doubt anyone on this ship could solve other than myself, and it changes each time. I will be returning with an armed escort each time, just in case you decide that overpowering me would be a viable option." Lieutenant Charybdis smiled sweetly at the captives. "Again, I apologize for the conditions, but as I suspected... you are a distraction that I cannot afford, and you are easily proving me correct in that assumption. Do behave, girls."

If looks could kill, she would be dead... but then, Charybdis had gotten used to such things long ago. She turned on her heel and left the brig, headed for the bridge to analyze her scans. There must be something more than just amply displayed luscious green flesh to the legend of these slave girls... and waiting out here for the away team, it seemed that she would have nothing but time to study the phenomenon.


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