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The Morning After III: Another Magnificent Day

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2016 @ 7:43am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Captain Patrick O'Connor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Five, Captain O'Conner's Quarters
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Patrick,1stlove

Sure enough, two adults could fit into one sonic shower... provided they were willing to be rather intimate about it. As they giggled and laughed at the comical nature of the situation, Patrick noticed the dermal patch on her shoulder again, as the sonics peeled it off her arm.

He could see it more clearly now, in the better lighting as the patch pulsed further and further down her shoulder while the sonics scrubbed it away.

He viewed it whilst she was still laughing and enjoying herself. It was rough looking, almost resembling a phoenix that was rising from the ashes. He knew that the memories associated with such a mark would be painful, and wondered if it was the right time to say anything. He saw her looking at him questioningly, then she looked to see what he was looking at.

Then she panicked.

Desperately she tried to get the dermal patch back in place, but the sonic shower had made short work of it once an edge had been set free, and there was no more adhesive quality left to it. A look of combined fright and shame set in on her face, and he caressed her. "I didn't mean to stare love. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want."

Emotions raced across her face, and for the first time he genuinely saw fear in her eyes. Whatever this represented was most definitely something that she either did not want to discuss or of which she was so ashamed that he had seen it that she would have fled the shower were she capable. Finally an emotion apparently won out in her, and tears filled her eyes, which could not meet his own.

"It... it is my past, Patrick. It is nothing that I am proud of and it is not who I am today, I swear to you but... it is a part of who I was. I don't... I didn't have a choice Patrick. I never had a choice... I never, ever had a choice..." She pounded her fists gently against his chest, and she fell against him and wept.

Hugging her close, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close against him. " is alright now, lass. You don't have to feel ashamed. Nobody's gonna touch you now without answering to me. Past, present, future, I'll wrestle all those demons inside you and send them back to the underworld where they belong." He held her, not saying anything more, just keeping her tight in his embrace and letting the sonic waves pulse across them both together as she let out her emotions.

She sobbed gently for a moment, burying her face against him until she regained control of herself. "I... all right." She looked up at him, eyes wide and trusting. "All right."

There was no elaboration on her part, and no explanation. Patrick was content to let it be... she would tell him in her own time, he was certain, and prying and rushing things would not help the situation at all, he was certain. He'd said what needed to be said, and he could see in her eyes that it was hard for her to believe him... yet she did.

He kissed her gently on top of her head, a means to remind her that he was here and that he was her rock should she need him. He turned off the shower and opened the door, then picked her up and cradled her face to his shoulder. He walked out of the shower and over to the vanity, setting her down upon it softly. This left her at eye level with him, and he kissed her on the forehead, his hands softly caressing her back and torso. Stepping back from her slightly he caught her chin in his fingers and raised her face to look at him, and she smiled wanly.

"As enjoyable as my time with you is to me, and as much as I would like to spend the day proving to you that nothing in your past could change who you are to me today, I need... we need to get ready for the day. We are going to have to skip breakfast if we want to make it to the bridge on time as it is." He smiled at her, letting her know that he was past the incident and was focusing on the immediate present.

Nodding, she pulled herself together. "I'm sorry to be such a wreck, sir." She hopped off the vanity and headed for his desk, where she'd left her uniform. She scooped up her underwear from where she had dropped them the night before and began efficiently wrestling her way into them.

He quickly shaved, then went to the closet to grab his uniform. He dressed quickly, and while looking at himself in the mirror, he stopped to enjoy the reflection of Charybdis as she wrestled into her uniform. It was making him wish they were taking a 2 week cruise to Risa or some other vacation world. He shook himself back to reality, combed his hair, and then waited by the door for his lovely mate to complete her rituals so they could depart.

As soon as he turned, she was beside him, settling her hairband into place, pointed bangs neatly arranged- dressed, composed, ready for action and grinning like the world owed her a favor.

"Lieutenant Charybdis reporting for duty, Captain," she said stepping into the doorway to activate the sensor, then she gestured out the door with a sweeping motion. "Shall we start another magnificent day in Starfleet, sir?"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back inside the door, the surprised and delighted look on her face worth all the gold in Ireland to him. He smiled and took her face in his hand then kissed her passionately, simply not caring about any of the passersby. She lifted her leg behind her as they kissed in the doorway and returned his passion, unabashed and unafraid. Releasing the kiss he held her chin between his thumb and forefinger, smiled and said softly, "Sure, why not?"

The two of them exited his quarters, making for the nearest turbolift to head to the bridge.


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