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Interspecies Romance V: Naked Vulnerability

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2016 @ 7:20am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Captain Patrick O'Connor

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Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Five, Captain O'Conner's Quarters
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Patrick,1stlove

Exiting the Captain's Mess, Patrick O'Conner made for his quarters, in search of something appropriate to wear to bed.

Truth be told, he preferred to sleep nude as well, but that seemed inappropriate considering the circumstances. Arriving at his quarters, he quickly undressed and put things away, then hastily looked for sleepwear that seemed to work for the occasion. He settled on a pair of Academy gym shorts that still fit him the same way they did all those years ago- the snugness of them in certain areas reminded him why he disliked wearing them to exercise anymore, now that he had a certain level of decorum to maintain.

But before he could seek out an alternative, the door chimed. He argued with himself for a few seconds as to whether he should put on a shirt, but decided it was better not to leave the lady waiting in the corridor, and so he went to the door in the minimal apparel he had on.

As the door swooshed open, he saw the luxuriant lieutenant waving at a passerby, and he realized that word of this would be all over the ship by tomorrow. As much as the Captain's movements were noted onboard his own vessel, Charybdis' movements were apparently incapable of being anything but news... particularly in that skintight dress that she was still wearing.

Her duty uniform was slung over one shoulder and her hose, boots and briefs were in her left hand along with the hairband that he hadn't realized until just now that this was the first time he had ever seen her without. He stepped aside to let her pass, and she noted his choice of sleepwear with approval.

"My my, those are quite... interesting, Captain," she remarked slyly as she set her uniform on his desk. "Were you planning to wear those or to demonstrate that you are in point of fact mightier than that fabric?"

The door slid closed and as it did he turned around to take in her shapely form as she posed for him... he'd noticed that whenever she wasn't in motion, she seemed to pose to take advantage of her figure. It was like the woman was not only aware of what a distraction she was, but it was a calculated strategy on her part.

Which, of course, was exactly the case.

"To be honest, I typically sleep in the nude as well. But considering the situation, proper decorum and all, and the fact that I don't want to frighten you, I decided that I would be modest." He walked over to the rather spacious bed and sat down on it, then patted the spot next to himself,

"I got room on here for one more, if you are interested." he said teasingly.

The vivacious Vulcan vixen grinned and chuckled, then reached down to relieve herself of her shoes. As she dropped a full five inches in height, Patrick once again marveled at how women maintained their balance in such contraptions with such seeming ease. Then she raised her eyebrows questioningly, insuring that she had a rapt audience, and grasped the bottom hem of her dress to slowly pull it upward, revealing the rather fancy black lace bra and panty set that she had worn for this evening's occasion, which managed to somewhat cover and support her superstructure.



Patrick was aroused, to be certain, but he was also somewhat surprised. He had assumed that much of Charybdis' curves were soft... but as she wrestled the dress slowly over her head, he saw the clear definition of abdominal muscles and firm shoulders. They were not in sharp bas relief, but he could see them swimming beneath the surface. Her thighs were a bit plush, as was her rear and obviously her rather unbelievable breasts, but overall she was far more toned than he would have suspected beneath that bright blue uniform he saw her in daily.

She dropped the dress to the floor and struck a pose, one hand on her hip and the other in the air. "J'approve?" she asked with a smile.

"Is, uh, the ah, water wet?" he stammered out, his eyes unable to leave her body. He suddenly remembered something his father once told him, "Is folamh fuar e teach gan bean" which was Gaelic for "It is a cold house without a woman." He had never truly understood those words of wisdom until this very moment. Looking at her, he whispered his conscious thoughts unwittingly, "An rud a lionas an tsuil lionann se an croi"

Looking at him uncomprehendingly, she asked, "Your native tongue, I assume...? What does that mean?"

"It is Gaelic, and it means means what fills the eye fills the heart. It suddenly became a very true statement for me," he offered in reply, and she smiled warmly at the sentiment.

Turning her back to him, hooked her thumbs in her waistband and slowly began to wriggle out of her panties. She was just teasing him mercilessly now, but she couldn't help it- truly it was her nature, and she suspected this would be an image that would live in his mind for quite a long time.

Arching her back, she stuck out her rear as she slid the lacy panties over the hump of her rump, then slowly down her legs all the way down to her ankles, while she kept her knees unbent and her legs remained straight. Gingerly she stepped out of the panties on the floor, then she half-turned toward him and began unclasping her bra.

This was a sight that she suspected was fulfilling a significant curiosity for him, thus she tried to make it worthwhile for him. Slowly she unhooked the five clasps- the lightweight brassieres simply did not work for endowments as grand as hers- then she slid the straps from her shoulders, watching him over her shoulder wish a sly grin as she slid the garment down her arms, then once it was free she covered her nipples with one hand as she held the bra out in one hand.

Dramatically she dropped it to the floor, then she turned, one arm holding the other by the wrist, looking somehow shy, which made no sense in light of her striptease. As much as he had observed earlier that she posed for effect as a matter of course, it was that much more significant to him that now she was doing no such thing.

With a start he realized that she had likely taken her clothes off for others... but that somehow, having bared her body to him was different for her, and that now she was truly vulnerable, as if she had no defenses left. No sarcasm, no deflections, no scientific jargon- it was just her and her alone... with him.

Those big violet eyes of her sought his own, and in them he could see the tragedy from which she had been born, the shame of always being physically on display and the loneliness that she truly held within her. And suddenly he began to understand just why she had asked this of him.

Putting aside his baser thoughts, he allowed his heart to speak. "It isn't easy being alone... believe, I know. But you don't have to be alone anymore, and you don't have to feel scared. I am here... and you will be safe with me."

Rising, he swept her up in his arms, his strong masculine frame supporting her as she draped herself across him like a security blanket. He carried her to the bed, laid her down and then lay down on his back, leaving her to settle herself however she wished. He allowed her to curl up over him, one arm covering his chest and hooking over his shoulder while the other arm ran alongside his form. Her leg climbed across him, her knee meeting with her elbow as her foot snuggled into his groin while her other leg laid alongside him.

Patiently he waited for her to get comfortable, which he could tell was the case when she sighed, almost purring as she settled her head into his shoulder, the scent of her perfumed hair tickling his nostrils. Gently he kissed her on top of her head and whispered softly to her, "I love you... and good night."

With that, he turned off the lights and watched over her until she drifted off to sleep.

As he lay on his back, with the curvaceous woman curled around him like a dragon about its hoard, she murmured "My knight in shining armor..." and rather remarkably, within the first minute she was gently snoring. Her skin was not warm, but actually hot to the touch- he would need no blanket with her in his bed, and he could feel her drumming heartbeat even at rest, easily three times faster than his own. As he stroked her left shoulder he noticed an anomaly; a bit of skin that seemed out of place somehow. He scratched at it gingerly, and it came loose a bit... then he recognized it as a dermal patch.

And there was something beneath it.

The skin beneath looked as though it might have been tattooed, but it was scarred and shiny over the black edge that he could see. If he didn't know any better- and having been raised on a farm, he knew exactly what it looked like- damned if it didn't look like some sort of very elegant design that had been branded onto her shoulder.

Inspecting it from his less-than-stellar vantage, he could see only the edges of it. He had seen such a thing before, but never on a humanoid. Someone had branded her... this answered a few questions, yet raised a whole slew of others. He decided that waking her would not be the right choice at this point, as she was quite soundly asleep, looking as a new born babe does the first time it snuggles with a parent. He wasn't about to change that, no matter how much it angered him that someone would do such a thing. He would get to the bottom of this mystery later... for now, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Though she woke him once or twice, murmuring something in an alien tongue in her sleep, she slept the whole night through.

There were no nightmares, just as he'd promised.



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