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Steak and Mushroom Gravy

Posted on Mon Dec 28th, 2015 @ 3:50am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Captain Patrick O'Connor & Lieutenant Commander Siivas McKenzie
Edited on on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 9:37am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: Zaryx 4 agricultural colony
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Zaryx,Siivas,Yuna

The dashing Deltan doctor and the svelte sexy scientist conversed cheerfully as they departed the site of their latest adventure.

"I must admit, Doctor, when you did the handstand you had me a bit worried back there. Then the faerie ring springing up around us was a bit unusual, but not entirely unexpected when dealing with fungal life forms. So does this make you the mushroom cap ambassador now?"

"You have to admit that a hairless top is rather sexy," he smirked and cocked his head so the setting sun reflected off of his pate and the thin chain he wore upon it.

As they left the orange groves of the colony behind them and approached the settlement proper, Charybdis caught sight of a gold uniform tunic ducking into one of the buildings, which she remembered from the Doctor's earlier ministrations to be the infirmary.

"I've spotted the Captain, Doctor... it looks like we may be able to wrap this up and be back aboard the Bonne Chance in time for dinner," the science officer opined optimistically.

"No one I know I hope," the Deltan quipped, referring to serving the captain for a meal and her penchant for red meat with a non-so-subtle sexual jab. Charybdis obliged him with a flush of sage tinging her cheeks and a purse-lipped smile as they entered the settlement proper.

Entering the infirmary, they saw that the captain and Yuna were not the only people inside here with the patients. Another security officer was also present, and a colonist that was currently sitting on the ground, his back against the wall; it was obvious from the way he was sitting that he was restrained.

Patrick turned to see who it was that was coming in, the sunlight coming in from the doorway catching his face at just right so that it looked like an old cinematic, a twinkle in his eye as he spotted Charybdis. "I wondered when you two might get back," he said to her, a touch of concern in his voice. He looked to the doctor, "I believe that Yuna could use some medical attention for her injuries, doctor."

He allowed the doctor to pass him by as he moved to check on Celes, then he looked back to Charybdis. "I hope everything is alright between you two," he said softly, genuine concern apparent as he spoke to her. "I'd hate to think that anything you and I are doing would interfere with your friendship with Siivas," he continued in a hushed tone.

She turned to him and cocked her head curiously, then understanding dawned on her face. "Oh! No, Captain, no... the Doctor thought that... uhm, he thought I might have been experiencing a medical emergency, so he was just acting out of concern for me. He is a good friend, and he looks out for me... but it is sweet of you to be concerned." She smiled at him and her hand moved as if to stroke his cheek, then she remembered decorum, coughed and waited for the Doctor to finish with Celes so that they could report their findings together.

"A few bumps and bruises," Siivas proclaimed after waving his hands around Celes gently. "Nothing a good night's rest and a good meal won't fix," he added as he took out a shot, gave her one and waved a dermal regenerator over a small abrasion. He spoke from where he was, "You'll be interested to note, captain, that Lieutenant Charybdis and I have made first contact with a beautifully complex sentient species on this planet."

Patrick turned quickly to face the doctor, a look of surprise on his face. "A sentient species on this planet? The Federation would never settle on an inhabited world." Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he noticed the prisoner looking uncomfortable, a guilty look on his face. His engineering mind started roaring, and he was getting a distinct impression that the information that the Siivas and Charybdis were going to provide him was going to blow open a secret that somebody was hoping to keep quiet.

Charybdis exchanged looks with the Doctor, then proceeded with the science report. "Thermal scans from orbit showed cooler underground pockets beneath the surface of some of the fields, including some in the marshy regions and in the groves. Inspection showed that the borders of these areas had fungal growths sprouting topside, clearly marking the boundaries of the fungal colonies. With the planting of crops, the fungals have been directly competing with the crops for nutrients from the soil, thus slowly blighting both the colonist's crops and the fungal colony's growth. My investigations showed that the crops were definitely suffering over said areas within said boundaries, which makes for a very simple equation on the surface."

"However, inspection on the EM frequencies showed that the fields were actually radiating both beta and theta waves on the same frequencies as humanoid brainwaves... thus, I contacted the doctor to attempt to engage them with his Deltan empathic abilities to try to make contact and hear their side of the story. Doctor?" Charybdis stepped aside to yield the floor to the psychic physician for the in-depth explanation.

Patrick turned to regard the doctor, his hand stroking his chin and a look in his eye as if he were mulling things over in his mind. What the doctor would say next would certainly hold additional keys to this mystery that was unraveling before them all.

"Just because they're delicious doesn't mean that mushrooms can't think," Siivas quipped. "And I'm apparently not the first person who knew this," he said, turning around to look at the prisoner, "am I?"

The prisoner looked on with a curious look - a look that knew volumes but was not permitted to speak allowed for fear of consequence.

Meanwhile Lt. Celes allowed herself to be seated by the medic and her injury examined. The sliver stung, more than she thought a normal blade would sting. Thinking nothing of it she allowed the doc to patch it up before moving back to the Captain and Science Chief.

"He... claims that the meat he's been stealing is to keep his family alive after the King taxes them then takes all their produce...." Celes explained to the small group around her. She still had no proof, - but she had to pass on that which she'd uncovered to start off with.

Patrick nodded. "This is starting make sense. I am betting that the colonists are aware of the fungus colonies and the fact that the are alive, or at least mimic it in the eyes of the colonists. Reporting such a discovery could be disastrous, especially since much of the soil they inhabit is the richest and best for growing many of the agricultural crops needed for this colony to survive. And the meat being hoarded seems like a great idea if you fear that you may not have enough from the crops come harvest time."

"Whoever controls the food stores would dictate who lives and dies on the colony. I believe we need to have a few friendly words with Mr. King about this matter. Yuna, bring the prisoner. Doctor, if you will stay here to treat your patients of the illness, I will leave a security officer at the door for your protection. Charybdis, I will require your scientific expertise."

Patrick turned and made for the exit, Charybdis at his side and Yuna following with the prisoner. He assumed he would find King on the west end of town, where the shuttles were landing to drop off supplies.

"Ah well," Siivas smirked as he watched them depart, "I can't fix everything now can I?" He turned back to the ailing colonists and smiled, "The colony promised to stop punishing you so the sickness should go away shortly. In the meantime, I'm going to have some good hot meals sent down with some portable showers and my medics to do some good old fashioned spa treatments for you lot. You'll be feeling better than right in a minute!"


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