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Vows & Virtues

Posted on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 @ 7:41pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Commander Fiona McCray
Edited on on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 @ 7:42pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Future Tense
Location: Starfleet Command, Officer's Wardrobe level 9
Timeline: 2285

The two women checked their appearances in the mirror, insuring that they looked admiral inspection perfect. They were about to embark on the next stage of their careers, and likely face a bit of a challenge in the process. Selune was warming up a shuttle on the pad, while Doctor McKenzie and Lieutenant Andurean were standing by... Char had decided that they would all embark together, then divide to deal with their individual responsibilities.

But before that came a private moment with Fiona.

"We need to talk, Fi..." she began, then remembered what that meant. "Scratch that- there are a few things that we need to discuss."

Fiona smoothed her braid and adjusted her cuffs " Alreet," she said somewhat guardedly.

Addressing the reflection in the mirror, Charybdis smoothed out the slicked down widow's peak of her hair before she continued. Since the fleet had encountered the Romulans and knew of their penchant for rather pointy bangs, it seemed that her customary hairstyle was no longer in vogue save if she wished to point more directly at her true heritage.

"I'm taking command of a starship... this is something that I've never done before, and while I feel confident that I can do it, I'm going to need your help, Fi... now more than ever. You may have noticed that I've pinned Commander's rank on you there... I didn't do it lightly, and for no reason."

"You know me better than anyone... you are my best friend, we've been through thick and thin together, and there's no one that I trust more in the entire universe than you. You'll always tell me the truth, you respect me and my decisions but you'll always keep me honest. I would be honored if you would consider serving as my First Officer." Her brows knitted a bit and she looked out from beneath them.

"I swear that I will respect your opinion, listen to your advice and that I'll always do my very best to bring us all home safely. But I'll need your help- because a captain always needs their best officer at their right hand, and that is most definitely you, Commander McCray."

Fiona's eyebrows went up. " Ah... well, thet would be different," she mused.

"Now, there is already someone in Engineering, but... well, you also happen to be the best engineer I know, as well. So I could really use you down on Deck Fifteen as well. Do you think you can handle both?" Char asked, looking a bit sheepish to be asking so much.

The petite redhead thought for a long moment. " Truthfully...? No... I dinna think I kin do both. Not and do reet by both positions. I love engineering, boot my knowledge is so very outdated," she sighed.

"I'm guid, boot I would no make me a Chief these days. If ye've got someone there thet knows that ship and does right by her... keep him on." The words cost her a lot to say, but she brightened slightly. "I kin always set about learnin what I can...y a know... be a back oop in case things go widdershins and ye need extra hands on who kin fit in tha smaller Jeffreys withoot tearin a gut," she paused, "of course I know shite all aboot being a First Officer... boot I suppose I could fake thet."

That made Char laugh. "Like I did. You know how to be a good officer- to listen, to know when to play it hard and when to use a soft touch, how to get things done, and how to support the command even when the orders suck. You're Fiona McCray... you figured out how to make a warp field into a singularity and save all of our lives. You're a pioneer, and a daredevil and you're fearless... you can do this, Fiona." The taller woman placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "I know you can."

"Aye... I kin do all thet... and I can sit there lookin' cute and keep me mouth shut too," Fi said with a shake of her head. "Well... I kin look cute in any case."

"And you'll keep me on the right track... make sure I don't go veering off course, make sure I don't do anything recklessly endangering the crew because I'm premuenstral or lovesick or just having a mad on, right?"

"Damn right I will." Fi said with a sharp little nod " And if you go disappearin off intae yer ready room I'll come in and kick yer arse square!"

"Workshop... no, Captain's Lab. No ready room. And I am officially pointing out right now that the door to that room is never, ever locked to you- you walk in at any moment you please, and the only time I will close that door is to work on sensitive materials- and then you can still come and go as you please. And you are completely free to speak your mind, rank regardless- in my lab." She searched her friend's eyes. "Fair?"

"Fair," Fiona grinned, "Do ye get yer own cute yoeman with tha big desk and comfy chair?"

Rolling her eyes, Char snorted. "Last thing on my mind, believe me. I don't plan to get entangled in any shipboard romance- I learned that lesson twenty years ago. Asshat. Nope, I am just going to focus on my ship and my crew... hm, my ship, my crew... they really will be, won't they?"

"Laird love us..she can be taught" Fiona teased then sobered, "Aye lass, they're yours. Do what you do best... take care oov them."

Charybdis slowly let out a deep breath, then spun Fiona to face her, gripping her shoulders with her expression earnest, eyes searching. "I can't afford to show a lack of confidence- I can't be nervous or shy or hesitant. I can ask opinions, I can be polite and courteous, but if I don't believe in me, they can't believe in me. So just this once, tell me... tell me I can do this, Fi. Tell me they aren't making a horrible mistake and that I am not going to lead us all to our doom somehow."

"You CAN do this, Char. They aren't making a mistake and if you don't stop wubbering I'm going to smack ye and ruin yer makeup," her friend said very solemnly.

The faux Vulcan raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I'm not wearing any makeup, you daft little sheep herder. C'mon... we've kept the crew waiting long enough, First Officer. Let's go, Commander."

"Alreet... after you, Captain," Fiona said as she shouldered her duffle and followed her friend and commanding officer into the future.


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