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Chance Meeting

Posted on Tue Nov 8th, 2016 @ 7:29am by Commander Fiona McCray & Lieutenant Commander Selune
Edited on on Tue Nov 8th, 2016 @ 7:30am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 12 corridors
Timeline: 2265

The ship's engineer made her way along the corridors with Teague the ship's cat sashaying along at her heels. She had a bag of something that smelled like smoked squid in one hand and was using the other to alternate between feeding herself and the tabby accompanying her on her walk.

The first thing that gave them away was Teague's insistent mewing, followed by several seconds of silence before it picked up again. Curiosity easily drew Selune into the corridor and painted her a slightly unexpected picture.

" wee menace" the engineer's tone was affectionate even as she scolded the tabby " Have patience ya greedy beastie"

The recently injured engineer apparently ignoring whatever health and safety had been suggested while feeding both herself and the cat. Both of which Selune had only the most passing acquaintances with. Then she caught the scent of something most definitely edible and her self-consciousness evaporated back into polite interest, mixed with at least a small part of her wanting to simply tacking the diminutive woman and cheerfully beg a snack.

Instead she forced a friendly smile that she hoped didn't seem too predatory and spoke up, "Hello, I don't think we've really been introduced..." she paused suddenly realising she really had no idea where she was going with it, "I'm Selune," she offered hesitantly.

The red-haired human paused, turned and smiled at the "Hello, I'm this loud creature is Teague. I hope we didna disturb you too mooch.......he is a bit of a demanding greedy gut" she rubbed the cat with one booted toe then grimaced as he used her body as a climbing post. The orange tabby settled down on the engineers shoulders with a mew. It was obvious he considered her his personal property.

There was a stifled giggle as Selune admired Teague's candor, the urge to sit on people had never really been removed. Rather she understood that she wasn't to climb on someone just because they look comfortable, it was considered unbecoming or something.

Fi held out the bag to Selune "Squid? it's tasty" she offered.

Selune's eyes lit up to match a grin that threatened to force its way onto her face, her head tilting slightly as she carefully worded her reply, "Oh I wouldn't dream of depriving you... but... if you're offering it would be rude of me to say no.."

The engineer chuckled " No mum sends me care packages of the stuff all the time. If you don't eat some Teague will just keep getting fatter. "she rattled the bag invitingly " It's an earth delicacy...from Japan."

Selune carefully reached into the bag, smiling faintly at the flat glare from the galley cat as she took a piece and popped it into her mouth. Her eyes widening slightly as she chewed, "Now there's a taste of home," she murmured mostly to herself, "Why did no one tell me about this earlier!?"

Fiona threw back her head and laughed " you just got here?" she suggested then held out the bag " want the rest? I've eaten m'sel half sick on it and Teague doesn't need any more" the cat on her shoulder let out a mew of disagreement and stretched out a paw in Selune's direction " Seriously, I've a whole box more in me quarters..and he's gained aboot a stone since I've been on board."

"Ugh," Selune muttered as she accepted the bag, "Don't talk about stones. There's one in my quarters that I'm pretty sure is plotting my downfall." In way of a small truce she offered Teague a piece before grinning at Fiona, "Is this hard to find on Earth? I was never introduced to it when I was at the academy..."

Fiona cocked her head to one side "'ve got a stone in yer room thet's givin you troubles? Did we have a horta slip on board?" she smiled " no it's easy to find on earth. Mostly a cultural thing tho' Japan came oop with it. They created sushi too Clever people the Japanese"

She shrugged " The Academy isn't known for it's cuisine...bloody awful food services " her nose wrinkled at the memory " what they did to pasta was a sin!"

"It's just staring at me... I think it's doing an impression of Chary and willing me to socialise, so here I am," Selune managed a self-conscious laugh at the ridiculousness of it, "Ok, I may have overstated the stones involvement a teeeny bit," she muttered before stuffing another piece of squid in her face in an attempt to stem her ramble.

"Ah...been naggin' ye has she? well you kin tell her you and I hung out together and you got to know Teague an' me" Fiona's amber and green flecked eyes sparkled with good humor " an don't pay too mooch attention to rocks, the only time they kin harm ye is if someone lobs them at you"

She reached out and stopped her self just short of petting the young officer " Ah, sorry... I kin that it's nowhere near proper boot I find m'self wantin' to pet you like I do Teaggy here. You just look so soft and friendly and I know that's probably totally against your people's mores"

This was exactly the kind of situation that made Selune repeatedly thank the universe for making Caitian social cues so obscure for most people to read. If she was human her face would have been bright red, instead her stance was somewhat rigid, "Uhm.. well it's not exactly the most common thing to do.." she mumbled, "But.. if you really want to I suppose we could call it a trade for this squid," she stammered with a lopsided grin, "It's not so much rude as... well. Familiar."

Fiona smiled careful not to bare any teeth " It's because you look so soft. And we Terran's have a powerful curiosity" she shook her head slightly and said "No the squid is a gift...enjoy it. Just ..don't hit me if I reach out and pet you some day. Understand I'm not trying to be rude I would just be giving in to temptation"


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