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Posted on Sun Nov 6th, 2016 @ 7:03am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Commander Fiona McCray
Edited on on Sun Nov 6th, 2016 @ 7:09am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Engineering, Deck 14
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Fi,engineering

Duty shift, Charybdis was coming to realize, was a misnomer. That was just the time that she was on deck on the Bridge and scanning, sitting in the big chair or filing reports, of which she had just inherited a seemingly endless supply. She was uncertain if they were all supposed to come with the job or if Patrick was unloading some of his paperwork off on her as well, but it didn't matter. She would still do it all cheerfully, learn the system and find ways to streamline it and make it more efficient.

However, duty definitely did not end on the bridge. She got through all of the paperwork while on duty, but then came the meetings. She still had to meet with Siivas in Sickbay, but before she did she felt she owed herself a trip to Engineering to see how Fiona was mending. Twenty-third century medicine was an amazing thing, but rest was still required, and ideally she was getting it down by her beloved engines.

The topic of Fiona's sickbed location had not been mentioned to the Captain as yet, and the newly-minted First Officer had decided to cross that bridge when she came to it. He did trust her judgement and he was an engineer at heart, so he should understand... and if not, she could be remarkably persuasive.

Taking the access ladders was still entertaining to her when traveling alone on the ship or when not in a hurry, and when she was catching up with meetings she liked to find innovative ways to plot courses around the ship. It was a passion that she and Fiona both shared... finding the nooks and crannies of the starship that was their home, that she was genuinely beginning to take pride in as not just a duty station, but as a beautiful, sleek and wonderful part of the crew.

And if there was anyone else who would understand such thinking, it was one Lieutenant Fiona McCray.

Charybdis found her friend sitting tailor fashion in the middle of her makeshift bed with an array of PDDs, schematics, books and small engine parts strewn all around her. She had a small contraption that looked a bit like a mechanical spider on her lap, fiddling with it while she got the shift change updates from the crewmen who were heading off duty. She looked up as the splash of bright blue invaded the small sea of red. A grin lit her elfin features "Ha... see... I'm behaving."

From the amount of grease on her nose and cheek she obviously hadn't been completely relaxing but she did seem to be taking it somewhat easier than average.

The cheerful commander grinned and gestured broadly to the array of mess strewn about that indicated that the Engineer was keeping herself busy. "I see that! Look at you, catching up on some light reading, doing some tinkering, keeping up on your reports- all of which were filed early today, don't think I didn't notice- and your color is much better! I think this convalescence agrees with you!"

The chief leaned forward slightly tipping the hammock. "Aye... I'm doin well... it's drivin tha lads buggie though," she gave a chuckle that could only be described as evil.

"Who knew all it took was sympathetic engine vibrations to get you right as rain, hmmm?" The statuesque scientist stood respectfully by the hammock with her hands clasped behind her back. Fiona knew she wanted to hug her... lord bless her, the girl was a hugger... but it would likely upset the delicate balance the Chief Engineer had achieved with her projects, plus she tended to be mindful of the chief's dignity, particularly in her own domain.

Fiona's lips twitched slightly and she said very casually, "I hear that congratulations are in order."

"Um... yes?" Here it was, the first taste of what she would need to get used to for the rest of her career... from an unexpected source, but she should have known to expect it. Having gotten word of it herself only this morning she had been too busy to consider the ramifications, but here they were, right up front... leave it to Fi to cut to the heart of it.

The engineer chuckled. "Information travels at warp 10.75. If I could hook the engines up to mouths rather than dilithium crystals can ye imagine how fast the Bonnie would go?"

Outwardly the blue-clad beauty just looked suddenly awkward and self-conscious as she looked around the room and tried to think of something to say. She could try to defend her promotions or pretend there was no undercurrent to them, but neither particularly presented themselves as good options, so instead she stood there looking stupid, turning green and being flustered.

Fi shook her head. "Ye earned it darlin'... tha old fashioned way... by savin' the bloody ship and crackin' the smugglin' and piracy ring wide open." She pitched it loud enough to carry and made the words firm enough to make sure her engineers stomped on some of the sour grapes that always some along with the good fortune of others.

A wave of solid relief washed over the pointy-eared alien and she smiled broadly. Leave it to the feisty redhead to point out that people would talk and make assumptions, then immediately take steps to quash it in her domain. "Thanks Fi... I don't know if I'm ready for it honestly, but I'm determined to do the best possible job. And apparently in order to make me the first officer the Captain had to advance my rank... otherwise it becomes an issue of seniority amongst lieutenants if there is a dispute over me issuing an order, even as first officer."

Fiona snorted. "If ye weren't worried about being ready then I'd be worried that you were daft. Noone is ever really ready for a command spot. You'll do fine" she smiled up at the Vulcan temptress. "If anyone gives ye trouble send em my way. I'll set em straight"

"Awww... you're the best, Fi! Better handle it myself tho if I want 'em to respect me, right? Besides, last time I checked I had it easy... you were the one making the miracles happen down here and paying a price for it." That flash of guilt was there, but it passed from her face quickly. "You do look a lot better. Is there anything that I can get for you that your men aren't handling?"

"Pffft. All I did was lay on the floor and flip some switches," the redhead said with a wave of her hand "If I had thought reet I would hae been better prepared." She gave a shrug then grinned at the diligently working engineering team "Actually, if ya have time de ye feel oop to takin' me oot ov their hair for a bit of a stroll? Give them some breathing space?"

"Absolutely!" the cheerful commander replied. and offered her arm in an exaggerated display of chivalry. "I'd be delighted, Lieutenant. How about if we take a stroll of the galley and you can swing through your quarters?"

Fiona slid gingerly to her feet after she divested herself of various bits and bobs, then straightened herself up a bit stiffly. She took the offered arm with grave dignity that was belied by the twinkle in her eye. "Sounds lovely. Lead on... Lieutenant Commander."


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