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With Your Shield

Posted on Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 11:20pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Captain Patrick O'Connor
Edited on on Mon Sep 5th, 2016 @ 11:21pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Five, Captain O'Conner's Quarters
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Patrick,1stlove

He saw her lying there on the floor, looking so strangely vulnerable, so very lost without him. He walked in and made his way toward her as the door shut behind him, his arms outstretched, "Come here lassy, your big strong man is back."

She giggled at him then tumbled forward, the roll turning into a flip which turned into a handspring as she went airborne and landed on him, knowing that he was strong enough to bear the sudden addition of her mass. She caught his torso by wrapping her legs around him, then grasped his face in her hands, kissing him with a ferocious, near-animalistic passion that did not seem to allow for any room for conversation.

He returned the passion in kind, kissing and caressing her tenderly. While it had only been a scant 48 hours since they were last together, he had grown attached to certain facets of their relationship, not the least of which but most notably the rather physical nature they both shared. While it could be argued that they were merely enjoying their baser instincts, the truth of the matter was that they both dropped their shields and were totally vulnerable when they reached this state with one another. When they allowed emotion to take on physical form and expression... yes, they both considerably enjoyed it. He carried her over and swung them around to deposit them both neatly upon the bed, never breaking the embrace. Then kissing, caressing and undressing all at the same time became the order of the moment.

He was rather glad he had checked out of Sickbay early... otherwise they would both have been late for duty today.

As they lay together a short while later, the sweat cooling and their heartbeats returning to relative normalcy, she curled up atop him as she was wont to do and traced a finger across his chest. "I knew you would come back to me... I worried, but I never lost faith." She smiled up at him, radiating contentment. "And here you are... I just wish we had more time this morning."

"Aye, as do I. But there is always this evening, and I have a surprise for you as well. Something I am certain you will enjoy." He smiled at her, waiting for the excited reply. She chuckled throatily and kissed his chest, then sat upright.

"I am certain that I will like whatever surprise that you have for me... I already have what I wanted most, so anything else is simply a bonus." She pouted slightly as she reminded herself, "Bridge duty in half an hour," then sighed resignedly, got out of bed and padded to the shower. "Will you be debriefing to Starfleet Command or debriefing me first?"

"I thought I did just de-brief you" he said in a sly jovial tone. "I wasn't wearing any briefs..." she called over her shoulder, "Though I suspect they would not have lasted long had that been the case..."

"I suspect you're right. I sent an initial report to Starfleet last night with the aide of the yeoman, so I suppose I will need to find out from you why my ship looks like it is in the middle of being refitted." He sent a stern look her way as she stepped into the shower, then cracked a slight smile.

The dark-maned head stuck back out of the shower with a smirk before she called after him. "That was just me welcoming you home, conquering hero, and softening you up for the damage reports . I haven't read the day's reports so I haven't seen your report yet... and I'm guessing that you haven't read mine." She grabbed her hairbrush began brushing out her hair in the sonic shower.

"I had to, um, improvise some solutions..." she said with no small degree of hesitancy, and for all the world she looked like she was bracing for a punishment.

"Improvise..." he said, a long silence following. He walked into the lavatory and entered the shower with her, cuddling up against her and giving her a kiss on the neck to help put her at ease. "Most captains would see what was done and give you a pat on the back and commend you. I am not most captains. I am an engineer. You pushed my ship to its limits, thought outside the box and survived, but now my ship is a mess. I expect it to be cleaned up and looking pretty again... and I expect it to happen before we get to Risa, is that understood Lieutenant Commander?"

The wide-eyed look of befuddlement he could see in the mirror was priceless... it wasn't clear which one took her more off balance, the reassurance of a job well done, the increase in rank or the mention of the resort planet. Apparently he had managed to overload that steel trap of a mind of hers, because all she manged to evidence was a series of rapid eye blinks and her mouth opening and closing a few times.

"Just breathe. Basic mechanics of life, breathe," he joked, his voice even and sweet.

Lungs pulled in air, subtracted oxygen, returned it to the atmosphere seven percent poorer for the experience and then her mouth caught back up to her racing mind. "You're promoting me? I thought... you know what, never mind what I thought. I'll have her fixed up as fast as we can.... the engineers have been doing excellent work and she's nearly back to spec now, even with Fiona still injured, So... Risa...?" The look in her eyes was one of a child speaking of Christmas.

"Yes, you are being promoted. It is well deserved, and is both timely and fortunate considering the loss of..." he trailed off. "But we'll deal with that later. I do want the ship back up to spec, and I don't care how much sleep is lost and by what departments to make it done quickly, efficiently, and effective. And yes, Risa."

Silently she took him in her arms and held him for a moment. "I wasn't sure when he was not in the shuttle... but I knew you would not leave a man behind. I'm sorry... he was a good man, and I will miss him as well." She held him tightly for a moment before she pulled back to look deeply into his emerald eyes. "I will inform his mate... I promised to speak with her and had not gotten to it yet. So it is a debt of honor that I still owe him."

"Very well." he said in a stoic voice. He exited the shower and began to get dressed. "We need to get to the bridge."

Straightening up she came to attention and saluted, still naked, which somehow made it more comical. "Aye aye, sir! The Bonne Chance will be back at full operational capacity before the end of alpha shift today, Captain. And I will await the order to lay in a course for Risa!"

Impishly she smiled at him, her eyes twinkling in the low light. Even in the face of the tragic loss of the cheerful giant who had been such a part of their lives, while it may have been selfish of her, she was still happy to have back the only thing in the galaxy that mattered in her eyes... her man, her mate... her Captain.


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