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Head Case

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2016 @ 5:40am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Lieutenant Commander Siivas McKenzie
Edited on on Thu Nov 10th, 2016 @ 8:08am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 6, Sickbay
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Siivas,bonnechance

The headache was refusing to go away, and ignoring it was not making it any better. If anything it was getting worse, and so was the ringing in her ears.

Intellectually Starfleet first aid said that these were all the signs of a concussion, but she very much did not want to be concussed... she had nosed into Yuna's business to try to make her feel better and had caught a boot upside the head and in her stomach for her troubles. But the last thing that she wanted was for Celes to find out that she had really gotten hurt... it probably wouldn't make her very happy. Heck, it might make her madder, she wasn't sure.

It was getting a bit difficult to concentrate. That certainly wasn't a good sign.

Her bridge shift was over, and Ensign Tyler was on hand to relieve her. "Are you all right, Lieutenant?" he asked, and she waved him off. "M'fine Rex, reports are going, keep scanning for... just watch the logs, you know what to do."

She made her way off the bridge, holding her head in her hand... if she could just lay down for a few minutes she would be fine, she was sure. Then the turbolift started and the world swam, blackness closed in around her field of vision and only by maintaining a deathgrip on the control lever did she manage to stay upright, and even so, only barely.

Yuna was just going to have to be mad at her some more.

"Deck Six..." she mumbled, and braced herself against the wall. She managed the one deck trip better, then steadied herself and headed toward Sickbay at a slow but steady pace while her brain practiced creating exotic club music drumbeats inside her skull. It had apparently disliked the turbolift experience quite intensely and was letting her know about it quite vocally.

The doctor was going to be rather angry with her she suspected, but she had really thought she was fine up until the last hour or so. Of course, she was no physician, as she was sure he would gently remind her. She was probably going to get yelled at; but then, she probably deserved it... where was Sickbay again? She had the deckplan of the ship memorized, so she never got lost... so where was she, anyway?

Theeeere was Sickbay... right in front of her where it was supposed to be. Yup, Doctor was going to be mad for sure. Not madder than her own head was at her, she suspected. Ow, ow, ow. Stupid girl, head injury and you tried to walk it off... she could almost hear his lecture now, and he would be quite right.

The clear caduceus on the frosted white transparent-aluminum doors slid open and she walked in slowly, squinting at the bright light. She hoped that she wasn't going to throw up on anyone's shoes... and now she wished she hadn't thought of that, because her stomach was apparently rather fond of that idea.

Siivas wasn't present but the Sulamid were, bustling about the empty main chamber as she staggered in. "Are you alright Lieutenant?" the one closest to her asked, the voice neutral but pleasant, the pink with cobalt markings strobed with small yellow spots of alarm.

"I've a head injury... it actually hurts quite a lot, and may I lie down please...?" She was determined not to collapse in Sickbay and exacerbate the situation, but she really wished there was something nearby to hold on to, and her stomach was still voicing the rather extreme desire to empty itself. She was an officer and she had made it here on her own power; she was determined to maintain her dignity, and her rebellious body parts were going to obey her.

Now if the room would just hold still. She wished the tumbleweeds were a bit more solid and taller so that she could lean on one.

Proot rose to "stand" towering over her and strobed pink and cool green, "It will be alright Lieutenant. Priit will summon Siivas," it extended a thick blunt tentacle easily as thick as her full calf thickening as if extending an arm to catch or guide her and extended another tentacle to her right, "this way to the closest biobed."

She took the entended... appendage... gratefully and leaned heavily on it, given that the room was playing tilt-a-whirl with her. Her normal squeamishness with tentacular alien life forms was very easily overriden in this case by the fact that she was in distress and the alien species was offering her much needed aid. Right now she was having a hard enough time remembering that when he said Lieutenant he was talking to her.

Priit "rolled" to the wall a few meters away and used the intercom, "speaking" softly into the pickup.

Easing onto the bed, Charybdis winced and sucked in a breath with an "ooooch" as her head reminded her that changing her orientation changed her blood pressure, which in turn sounded a red alert klaxon sped up fifty times in her head. She lay back slowly and closed her eyes against the harsh light of the brightly-lit room for a moment... who put those up there, anyway?

"Thank you Priit... " she said, somehow imagining that he spoke of himself in third person. She was at least grateful he'd said it, because she wanted to use his name but for the life of her she couldn't remember it right now, and she didn't want to call him 'tumbleweed' and be insulting, which was all she could think of. She put her forearm over her eyes then cracked them open to squint at him and smiled drowsily.

"I never realized you were such pretty colors..." she said softly as she reached out her hand unsteadily, somewhat ridiculously trying to pet the Sulamid with her fingertips.

The mass of tentacles next to her had settled again and was using a diagnostic wand and deployed three of it's five eyestalks to survey the procedure, one on the console it worked with other tentacles and the fifth looking at it's peer across the room. "We thank you," it said. "We actually use colors and patterns to communicate normally, having no ability to make sounds on our own and can hide ourselves, if necessary, pretty well."

"I didn't know that..." she said absently. "I'm not a very good science officer thataway... I really need to study my xeno... xeno... aliens more." Her brow furrowed slightly as she considered that. "Wait, how come I can hear you talk then?"

"All Sulamid wear a universal translator relay," Proot explained. "It's the same one that works for the Horta, though ours is water proofed and theirs is heat-treated." It paused and checked the tricorder with an eyestalk, which it held close to the tricorder's screen as two tentacles extended and thinned to the thickness of human fingers to manipulate the tricorder controls. "Your cranial portion is injured," it observed, cool colors flooding its pink as it seemed to emote concern. "There is cerebral bruising, a little swelling, 'concussion', in your language I believe."

"Uh huh... when the headage grew up to be a migraine that wouldn't stop and the room kept getting spinny that was my thought too. But I didn't think it was so bad this morning..." Don't throw up, don't throw up, don't throw up she repeated to herself internally.

Right about then the door opened and Siivas moved to the console and hit three contacts, dropping the ambient lighting by half. Then he moved over to the biobed and took up a position opposite the Sulamid with a small smile, looking down at Charybdis. "It seems you've been fighting, Miss Lieutenant Chief Science Officer. Here and I thought surely you'd win too," he added with a soft chuckle.

The wave of relief and happiness that rolled off the science officer might have been palpable to a non-empath. She tried to sit up to hug him but her abdominal muscles promptly felt like they had a boot jammed in them, and she lay back with a pained expression, looking literally a bit green.

"Hi Siivas... I haven't seen you in a while," she said with a small smile.

"It's been a few days," he acknowledged and smiled at her and then spoke to the Sulamid without looking away from Char, "three cee-cee's of anocebraline and a full ampoule of copper-based support blend. Xian," he said her name and suddenly, she was at his elbow.

"Get me the nanosurgical suite please," he asked softly.

"I was trying to help, but I just got her more upset. I swear I thought I was fine or I would have come to you right away... I didn't think she hit me that hard, but... ow." She lay her hands across her midsection, hugging it gently as she squinted up at the physician. "I think... I am trying really very hard not to because I know it is going to hurt and it is disgusting but... I think I am going to be a little sick now. I'm sorry..."

Siivas had a bag ready and the Sulamid turned Char's head sideways quickly but gently and Siivas held the bag in such a way as to catch it all. She grunted in pain as she did so, as it made her pounding head worse and her stomach muscles were none too happy to be convulsing either. Priit fetched a mouth cleanser and with quick hands they used it to help her clean and lubricate her mouth before turning her head back to the right position. A cool pressure to her neck and a soft hiss introduced something that cooled her guts, stabilized her perceptions somewhat and generally improved her well-being but her vision didn't clear at all.

"Ho... oh, that feels better, thank you. Is it okay if I just close my eyes for a few moments, Doctor? Or do you need for me to stay awake?" The question was mostly rehetorical, since her eyes were already closed. The alarm in her head was going off in the distance, but...

"Its alright Char'," Siivas told her gently as he sat on a stool that had appeared and Proot placed holding chocks around her head to immobilize it comfortably. "Three cee-cee's of verdimorphic kaletetride," he said and Xian picked up the intent and prepared the hypo and did the injection quickly and efficiently, the mixture sending Charybdis into a deep, dark, dreamless place.

"Please don't tell Yuna... " Char mumbled as she lay still, her breathing evening out.

Siivas took a deep breath, "Let's hurry and get this done, and see if I can get an honest night's sleep hmm?"


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