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Particular Particles

Posted on Sat Jun 11th, 2016 @ 12:51pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 14, Main Engineering
Timeline: 2265
Tags: transwarp,engineering

"So that's the gist of it. We'll need a series of tachyon generators in bays one, three, five and seven to be capable of generating a sufficient sustained tachyon field through the deflector dish at a rate of 3.97 million squared particles per nanosecond each in a balanced firing sequence that will interact with the warp field and enable it to essentially 'slipstream' even faster by regenerating the warp field before us that much more repidly, potentially achieving a 'transwarp' effect."

Lieutenant Commander Ackroyd was quite excited and animated in expressing the theory behind his project, as he had been given the green light by both the Chief Science Officer as well as the Captain. The Chief Engineer, however, looked somewhat less than enthused.

Fiona held up a hand to stall more explanation. "Whist! I understand the theory... now... how many tachyon generators?" she asked drily "And do you have the signed orders required for modifications that might affect the ship's engines?"

The Chief Science Officer interceded at this point, cutting off the lieutenant commander before he could begin. "Yes, Lieutenant... here you are. Now... this being an experiment that has shipwide repercussions, while authorization has been granted to the Science department, in the interest of a system of checks and balances, of course the safety regulations for this experiment will be set by Engineering and strictly observed by Science. Correct, Lieutenant Commander?"

Fiona could see that the man not only rankled at the restrictions being placed upon his project, but also at having to take orders from two lower-ranking officers that were for some reason senior staff.

The engineer gave the paperwork a thorough once over. She still wasn't thrilled with risking her lady's engines on an experiment but if the Captain cleared it...

"Of course, Lieutenant. I will coordinate and cooperate with whatever safety regulations the Chief Engineer sees fit to impose on this experiment." It wasn't spoken through gritted teeth, but it certainly did not come out easily for him, obviously.

He got a syrup sweet smile in return. "Al-reet... so... how many of these generators do you want in each bay and how soon do they need to be set up? Any particular sequence you want them done in?" She was going over the specs while she asked her questions every now and then she'd shake her head and make a tsking sound.

"No... that'll snap an go harring off... might poot some someone's eye out" she muttered as she crossed off a component "Needs to be made oot of somethin' that will stand up better..."

It wasn't so much that she wanted to be difficult, it was just that Fiona's first goal was to keep her ship safe and running well.

It looked as though the project was in good hands, so Charybdis took her leave while the feisty Engineer grilled the science officer and took him to task over every minute detail. It would be good experience for him, she reasoned. After all, this was a rather ambitious project, and now that it had been approved, it would be quite the undertaking to insure the safety of the Bonne Chance and her crew. And Fiona would make damned sure that the ship would be safe. Charybdis suspected that the Chief Engineer wouldn't balk the experiment at every turn but she would put in several layers of fail-safes and protection that weren't native to the science officer's original plans.

Charybdis would see to the crew, in theory.

This project was liable to take a great number of weeks to implement, and something told her in that time that Lieutenant Commander Ackroyd would either come to respect the Chief Engineer...

Or he would end up with a spanner-induced concussion.


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