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Kick Ass

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2016 @ 8:26am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 7, Gymnasium
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Fightclub

There had certainly been a considerable amount of cardiovascular exercise in her life recently. But the voluptuous vixen of the Bonaventure was still fond of other forms of exercise, and in order for her skills and talents not to get rusty she still needed to test them and use them.

Contrary to popular belief, she was nearly as fond of exercise as she was of food. Nearly.

Her Captain was in meetings in Engineering... he had some sort of project of which he wanted her to remain ignorant, so she had slid on her Science blue briefs and her tight tank top to come down to the gymnasium. She thought she might find a sparring match or catch one of Commander Ak'Ahar's high gravity combat courses, maybe even do some yoga on the balance beam or some floor exercises or even some vault horse or ring work.

What she was not expecting was what looked like the entirety of the Security division doing drills in full uniform, paired off and disarming and throwing one another. This made the gymnasium a bit crowded, and she was fine with finding something else to do with her time when a familiar voice called her from across the room.

"Lieutenant Charybdis, what a surprise! Do you think you could give me a hand with a demonstration for a moment?"

It was Celes, and Charybdis' heart sank. She had a sneaky suspicion that this was going to be just like the Academy all over again, but with half the Security force looking her way she couldn't pretend she hadn't heard and sneak out. She smiled sheepishly and made her way to where the diminutive security chief stood, arms crossed and waiting.

Yuna looked at the Science Chief and smiled. Her height and weight made this demonstration perfect for what she was trying to drill into the team's noggins. Your height and weight doesn't matter, it's how you best apply said height and weight that mattered.

" Listen up, well done so far everyone, good technique in your throws, now, who remembers the benefits of breaking your opponent's balance and shifting their centre of gravity to your advantage?" She asked, seeing a couple of confused looks before they were quickly concealed.

" Let me demonstrate" She said simply before turning to Charybdis " Attack me!" She said simply, giving no further instruction and thus no predictability.

While the security chief had been addressing her troops, Charybdis had been doing some quick stretches to limber up, and as the Trill turned to her again she rose up from a split and bowed to her in traditional Judo style. She then threw a simple straight punch at the chief, following through with her shoulder as a mildly trained attacker normally would or as an angry opponent definitely would.

Yuna read the shift in the chief's weight, her right foot stepping forward as she threw the punch allowing an opening on that side. Stepping to her left Yuna deflected the blow with an upward sweep of her right arm before stepping her right foot behind Charybdis', a slight shift of weight unlocked the knee and her opponent was off balance and vulnerable. She didn't expect what happened next.

The throw that followed was textbook, and Charybdis rolled with it as if she had done it a thousand times, waiting on the floor to show the assembly just where the victim would end up when handled thusly. It was obvious that she had done this before, and that she wasn't resisting in the slightest.

Yuna stepped back so she didn't get pulled down as well, demonstrating getting out of the way to avoid a secondary takedown.

" Thank you Chief, now... so we all understand that most opponents don't simply let themselves be thrown on the floor, would you mind resisting as you see fit?" She asked, offering her hand to the other woman to help her back to her feet.

The pointy-eared minx nimbly kippuped from the spot, demonstrating a degree of flexibility and balance, then made eye contact with the security chief with a mildly questioning look, which Yuna confirmed with an almost imperceptible nod.

With that, she stepped in to the red-shirted lieutenant's space, very close, and launched a lever kick straight up from the hip. Yuna dodged it with a half-step back, then grasped the leg, which could not be retracted nearly as quickly as it could be delivered, and rolled it to the right to take the scientist down. However, as they began tumbling the other leg came over in a flash and repositioned her weight to leave her standing.

Obviously the Lieutenant had studied a bit of wushu as well. Either that or she just had inhuman balance...

Yuna mentally recalculated her strategy as she quickly gained a better assessment of the Chief's skill. Well trained she was, and fast on her feet.

Feinting a dodge to the left before shifting her weight onto her right foot Yuna reached for Charybdis' elbow, hoping to slip through the guard and unbalance her, she was blocked, again.

"Now, some opponents will be tricky. They will have far more training or resources than you imagine upon engaging them, and your underestimation may cost you," Charybdis said to the assemblage, then launched a flurry of punches and kicks at the security officer, which she blocked and countered handily. "However, patience can win out as everyone makes mistakes."

At that moment she overextended a kick that would have caught Celes on the side of the head had she not blocked it, and the Vulcan's balance was not securely placed, thus the red-shirted chief caught the leg in a lock.

"Take the following, an overextension... or underestimation in this case has left her vulnerable" Yuna added, puffing a little with the exertion; she hadn't sparred in a long time and it was slightly obvious she needed to train more. She held Charybdis' leg in the lock, neatly incapacitating her for a moment. With a shift of bodyweight, and a heel behind the Science officer's knee, she was planted on the floor.

" And that... is how it's done" She wiped the sweat from her brow with the sleeve of her uniform.

" My apologies Chief, you gave a good fight" She offered her hand again, " We should spar some day... minus the crowd"

The alien took the offered hand and rose from the floor, then shook the tactician's hand. "If I may.." she whispered, then addressed the crowd. "Keep in mind, I am a bit of an exception to the rule, and the Chief chose me to assist in this exercise because of that. I am a natural gymnast..." With that she did a standing flip, then reached over behind the chief. "And I am from a higher gravity planet, which renders me much stronger on the average."

With that she hefted the human up with one hand, then set her down again. "And yet, with patience and one simple maneuver, she saw an opening and took me down, and would have held me there had she desired to do so, incapacitating me. Just in case anyone missed that part." She smiled and gave Yuna a hopeful look... if she didn't know any better she'd swear that apparently sparring seldom went well for the scientist.

Yuna turned her attention back to the officers assembled in front of her, noting that the majority of them - over 90% were males.. and they were only interested in one thing, and it wasn't the drills she'd been demonstrating.

" Oi! Attention up here please!" Yuna snapped, her tone nothing other than pissed off at the grossly boyish behaviour. Geez, you'd think they'd never seen a woman with boobs who could move before. The troops blushed before reluctantly drawing their attention away from that which they were far more interested in.

"Right - now practice that takedown on each other, and Lt. Charybdis and myself will be circulating to make you lot do it properly." Yuna ordered, hands on her hips, her spots almost quivering with aggression. Damned men and their hormones.

"I'm sorry Yuna, I didn't mean to mess up your class," Charybdis leaned in to whisper in her ear. "If I had known you were drilling I wouldn't have come down here right now. I didn't mean to distract or detract from the lesson..."

" Oh no, this WILL work to our favour trust me, Join me and circulate through them, if they even try and SNEAK a look, flatten them with whatever takedown you choose. Sound good?" She offered, determined to give these buffoons a lesson they would never forget.

"You're sure..." Charybdis began, but Celes cut her off. "Oh yes. Feel free to use dirty tricks if you like- these goons need to learn!" The exotic temptress grinned evilly and wiggled her eyebrows, then tugged her top down a few inches, hiked her shorts somehow higher up her rear end and then folded her hands behind her back to begin strolling into the crowd of security personnel.

She didn't use her hands. She kept them behind her back, which in turn just made her prodigious chest stick out that much more prominently. And apparently a number of the security officers had not been paying attention to the block that Lieutenant Celes had used to stop that snap kick to the head, because it was working on a number of them, even after Charybdis got their attention, gave them a chance to set themselves and confirmed that they were ready.

She wasn't being malicious, but she wasn't mollycoddling them either. She slowed it down for many of them so that they could get the hang of it, but some were still getting their clocks cleaned just a bit when they were thoroughly distracted.

Sickbay was going to be doing a brisk business in bruises tonight.

Half an hour later Yuna called the session to a close, as most of the troops were nursing at least one takedown by the Chief, and Celes wasn't one to rub salt in an open wound.

"Dismissed, get yourselves cleaned up and report back on your duty shift, those currently on duty, you have 20 minutes to shower and report back to your station. Our next session will be in a few days, I'll advise you of the time. Dismissed!" Yuna barked, and the gym emptied in less than a minute.

" I must thank you for your time... and your... assets" Yuna said with a smile towards Charybdis.

The cheerful alien laughed at that. "Well, they do have their uses." she admitted, hefting her somewhat ridiculously disproportionate bosom. "I'm glad this went okay... it did go okay, right? I used to work with the instructors at the Academy because I was tall and stronger than most, and I know how to roll with a throw. I kind of had an incident early on, so they used me as kind of a practice dummy. To show I wasn't a threat... until, um, I kind of had an incident with another cadet who wasn't very fond of my, er, assets."

Her face had grown a bit grimmer in that retelling, but it brightened back up as she looked Yuna in the eye and smiled. "But this went okay, right? And I will be happy to spar with you... I swear, I am not competitive and I don't want to hurt you, I just like the challenge..."

"Sparring keeps everyone on their toes, I'd love to catch up and spar on a regular basis with you - it'd keep us both sharp. Besides, you never know when you'll need to take down some alien fungus" Yuna said with a smile, grabbing her towel off a nearby bench and wiping her brow with it. " I enjoyed today, feel free to jump back into the session when they guys are back in here, I'm sure they wouldn't mind getting decked again"

"Sure! Just let me know whenever you want me to drop in, or you want to spar. And... thanks."

Yuna fixed the science chief with a curious expression as she shrugged seismically.

"For not trying to hurt me because I can take it, or trying to embarrass me because I am bigger or trying to use this as an excuse to... well, just thanks for making this okay and fun. You're a good friend, Yuna!" The epicurean alien smiled and draped an arm over the human woman's shoulder.

"Buy you a cup of coffee...?"

" My kingdom for a cup of coffee" Yuna replied with a smile. Despite being a Trill, she loved the old Earth pick-me-up. " Catch up later?" She asked.

"Absolutely!" the scientist chirped, then realized she had actually come down to the gymnasium for an entirely different reason than what she had ended up doing. She waved, then headed back to the equipment. Some balance beam yoga, she was thinking... because right now she felt pretty in touch with her zen.


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