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Galley Cat

Posted on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 9:47am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor
Edited on on Tue Dec 29th, 2015 @ 9:51am

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck 8, Enlisted galley
Timeline: 2265

(OOC- A bit out of chronology this one, as it would have happened immediately following "Flawed Logic" but it made it across the finish line, so we'll get it out there!)

The Bridge shift was over finally, and it hadn't been nearly as bad as she had imagined it might be. A few good-natured jibes had come her way and she had taken them with a smile and made a few gentle retorts back, and overall she had blown the entire experience out of proportion in her mind, she decided... save for the fact that the Captain never returned to the Bridge for the rest of the shift.

But that was his choice.

Maybe he had gotten tied up doing something elsewhere on the ship, or he had been in briefings, or... no, none of that could be particularly so. The Captain's place was on the Bridge, and he was having so much trouble dealing with her that he was avoiding her, and wherever she might be, he avoided that place as well.

That wouldn't last. He was a star ship captain, and he wouldn't avoid anything for long.

But again, they were his choices, not hers. She did not control those choices he made, and he could certainly find her if he needed to talk. She was actually feeling pretty good about the situation, and decided that since she had skipped breakfast, a late lunch was definitely on the menu for her.

And ice cream. She deserved ice cream, she decided as she exited the turbo-lift on Deck Eight.

As she entered the Galley mess, it was different than the rest of the messes she had frequented so far on the ship. There were no food dispensers here... instead there were real live people serving food from great steaming trays, and behind them she could see a bustling kitchen in action. This was where the food that came out of the dispensers across the rest of the great vessel was created and dispatched from, and the blend of so many delicious smells was quite appealing to her. There were only a dozen tables about in the small dining area- apparently this was not a popular destination due to the noise and the steam, but she found it to be bustling and lively, and she liked it immediately. She smiled and approached the empty line and picked up a tray, only to have a familiar feline leap seemingly from out of nowhere to land on her tray.

"Well hello stranger!" she said with a smile, and scratched him behind his ears. "I see you know where to hang out in your off hours, mister. Where the food is!" The tabby looked up at her imperiously, as cats do, and presented where he wanted to be scratched.

"Down you pesky cat!" Kevin said a bit too loudly before throwing a spoon towards Teague.

Missing the cat and hitting the Lieutenant, Kevin quickly made his apologies while mentally attempting to remember any recipe that involved cat.

"Can't imagine why he spends so much time running away from home..." Charybdis muttered to herself.

As the light went off in his head, Kevin asked someone else to provide the Lt. with her food while he chased down the cat once more. Looking up from under a table, Kevin watched in horror as Teague made his way out of the mess hall and into the wide open spaces of the ship.


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