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Trinity I

Posted on Mon May 28th, 2018 @ 11:34pm by Captain Charybdis MacGregor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Operation: Risa!
Location: Charybdis' subconscious
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Romulans,Firebird,secrets,triad

In the alcohol-induced semi-comatose state in which she had beaten herself, Charybdis found herself brought into conversation with herself... or rather those disparate parts of herself that she was slowly learning to unite as one whole and cohesive entity.

Given their varying opinions, that was easier said than done.

Pacing back and forth, the Romulan Major maintained her stiff military posture, her slender and athletic figure taut with tension as she prowled the open area of their quarters. "How could you do that? What is wrong with you? Have you no concept of what a secret is nor how to keep it?"

Reclining in her desk chair, the Starfleet commander shrugged. "Aren't you going to berate me for the tactical error of not sucking it up and continuing to sleep with my superior despite my feelings and his actions?"

"Don't get me started," the Romulan replied, throwing her hands up in the air. "You and your damned feelings are going to get us killed. What were you thinking? Is it so hard to just overlook his behavior and do the smart thing?"

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, the emaciated dirty Vulcan girl with the tattered robes and the wild unruly hair spoke up calmly. "Tactically speaking, Fiona is a perfect ally. We are close friends, she cares for us and understands that our origins are not our doing nor our fault. If Patrick has been angered by rejection then it is only logical to secure another ally who knows the truth in case something untoward should happen to us, either from his potential retaliation or another unknown quarter."

Shaking her head, the Starfleet officer took another sip of the pale blue liquid in the tumbler in her hand. "Always so coldly analytical, Charybdis. I told Fi because she is our friend and I promised her I would tell her the truth... I owe it to her not to lie to her, even by omission like I do everyone else. You make it sound so cold and..."

"Logical," the Vulcan child replied simply, and Char rolled her eyes.

"Say what you will, at least she makes sense. So what now?" the Major took the glass from Char's hand and took a sip, before offering it to the Vulcan on the floor, who refused it.

"I hope he realizes and returns... perhaps. I will leave that door open, and as he said, perhaps he will change in time. Perhaps he will come to realize that my requests are not unreasonable. Perhaps he will realize that he misses me, and that his life is not as full without me in it. Perhaps he will have an epiphany and change a little here and there and see me as something more."

While the Vulcan merely gave a blank stare, the Romulan snickered, then chuckled, then laughed at her.

"Laugh all you want. Just because he is being pigheaded right now doesn't mean that he will stay that way. I believe in him, and you have too little faith in him," the curvaceous commander replied haughtily.

"Then you're still a fool, Char. And Fiona..." Scylla Charvanek shook her head sadly. "You honestly think that was a good idea?"

The Vulcan nodded with a slightly raised eyebrow, and the Starfleet officer smiled. "She wants what's best for us... she's our friend, Scylla. We have to trust to be trusted, and she nearly died on our orders... she came for us and brought us back from the edge just because she cares. Watch her with as much cynicism as we can muster- she's just pure of heart."

"No one is without personal motive," the Vulcan chimed in, pointing out the facts.

"Her motive is us... we'll get the hang of having friends, wait and see. For now I think we're probably needing to wake up," Char said as she stood and stretched.

"Maybe next time he hurts us we could take it easy on the kali-fal...?" Major Charvanek asked with a wry resigned smile.

"Indeed," added the Vulcan as the trio faded and the world began to return to dim focus once more.

>Wherein Charybdis' id, ego and superego have a little chat as her psyche continues to slowly integrate over time


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