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The Morning After I

Posted on Tue Feb 2nd, 2016 @ 7:27am by Captain Charybdis MacGregor & Captain Patrick O'Connor

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Taking Chances
Location: USS Bonne Chance, Deck Five, Captain O'Conner's Quarters
Timeline: 2265
Tags: Patrick,1stlove

At first she roused slowly, which was rare for her... when sleep released her, she was quick to shake off the sensations and images that haunted her, eager to return to her real life in the present. But this morning was different somehow, as she rose to consciousness slowly, feeling quite content. The world was cool and calm, and she felt... secure. Content. Safe.

Running her hands across her body pillow, she realized with a start that it was smoother than normal, and far cooler. And it did not feel like a pillow at all. She slowly opened her eyes, and realized that she was not in her own cabin, nor in her own bed.

Nor was she alone.

The events of the night before came back to her clearly, and she smiled. She was doing something foolish, the voice in her head told her, but she was far more interested in how good she felt, and how soundly she had slept. She could feel the human's breathing beneath her chest, and his cool, cool skin, which felt so delightful against her own. A number of naughty thoughts as to how to wake him up presented themselves, but she reminded herself that she had asked for one chaste night, and she herself should honor that as well.

Besides, he was sleeping so peacefully, she didn't want to wake him.

She angled her head slowly to look up at him and study his features. His face had a touch of stubble that she had never seen there, because he was clean shaven every day, but it was rugged, and she decided it looked good on him. His strong chiseled jaw, his brush-cut hair, the soft crinkle of lines around his eyes from smiling... it was a good face. A handsome and honest face. A face she could most definitely get used to waking up next to for a long time.

Maybe forever.

The voice in her head told her that was foolishness and hormones speaking, but she didn't care. That little voice wasn't getting much voting power these days, and she was listening to another voice... the one below her tummy that fluttered when she looked at him and snuggled against him a bit closer. The one that made her feel so very good.

Patrick had slept peacefully, content, and had dreamt of things past and things he hoped would come. The dream that was sticking to his mind as he slowly began to stir dealt with his mother, who in her own way had always watched over her son and taught him to be respectful to ladies. His playboy ways were never approved of, and so he did well to never talk about them in front of her, and she had been good enough not to chide him too much about it in return.

It was all he could do to try and please her with any aspect of his personal life, as his professional life was something she never concerned herself with. She just wanted to see him happy, which meant married and settled down in her mind. Might Charybdis be the lass to finally settle him?

It certainly was worth exploring. Though he wondered how a meeting between his mother and the alien minx might go, and he had to admit it would certainly make for an interesting visit home.

He looked down and saw that she was moving just a bit. Her body was pressed against his, and the joining of her remarkably warm skin to his own felt erotic to him in a number of ways. He looked down further, past her, and was not surprised to see that nature was indeed toying with him as it did every other morning as far back as he could remember. He wondered briefly if he might be able to slide out of bed without disturbing her so that he could deal with his usual morning regimen before waking her.

But then he caught a glimpse of her sparkling violet eyes turned upon his own, and he knew for certain that she was awake. He thought about kissing her, but might she find his current condition to be inappropriate based on what they had discussed last night? He decided to play it safe and simply whispered, "Good morning, beautiful lass."

She smiled, and damned if it didn't light up the room.

"Good morning, My Captain. How did you sleep?"

"I slept the way any good protector does, lightly but soundly. And you? Sleep well I hope?"

The pointy-eared vixen rubbed herself against him as she stretched her muscles this way and that, exacerbating his morning discomfort. "I can honestly say that I have not slept that well in years, sir. One or two things could have made it better, but..." She stopped moving about, yawned in one long exaggerated moment then laid her palm on his chest, and used it as a chinrest while she looked up at him, a wee secret smile on her face.

"An officer and a gentleman. You continue to amaze me, Patrick O'Conner. I would say that I chose wisely in pursuing you, but I am uncertain if it was ever my choice." Her violet eyes were wide and bright, and despite the smile her face wore she looked quite sincere.

"Had I known that such a nubile young thing as yourself was in pursuit, I assure you I would not have made such a fight of it. But again, in the end, I don't think I had any choice. You tractored me in before I ever had a chance, which is ironic, because I would have loved to have just docked if you had but asked." He was being playful, which was odd for him so early in the morning.

As he spoke she smiled at him, as her right leg from the knee down rose up and wagged back and forth behind her and that smile grew wider. He felt her abdominal muscles tense and her weight shift slightly, and suddenly she had caught his unmentionables in the crook of her left knee.

"So, speaking of, ah, docking..." she began, and he could sense that she was choosing her words carefully. "I know that traditions and rituals are very important to you, and I want to do my best to respect them. But I am unfamiliar with your... mating... customs?"

After all they had been through together in the past few days, somehow this sincerity and earnest respect was a bit comical to behold. He realized with a bit of a start that he was not accustomed to being caught in such a compromising position. As it was, she was in control of the situation, despite her seeking clarity from him. She had asked a question of him, and answering it seemed the only logical way of escaping the current predicament.

"Well, humans have a lot of different... mating practices actually. Despite our sexual naivete according to the Deltans and Denobulans, humanity has been perfecting the art of mating for millennia. In fact, we have many different positions that generate quite a bit of pleasure for both parties. Perhaps you'd like to look over some of the texts... or if you like, I can offer another route. I am fully versed in a number of other nonhuman techniques and rituals, including Vulcan if that pleases you...?"

"You and your Vulcan mating rituals... well, fair is fair then, hmm?" she asked as she raised herself up on her elbows and pawed around him like a great cat with one hand while her fingers tracing lines across his chest and shoulders. "How about we try some human mating rituals I've studied...?"

Patrick shrugged his acquiescence with a bemused expression. He wasn't sure what sort of 'human mating rituals' she knew, but he was certainly willing to play along. She was nothing remotely resembling traditional, after all, and she hadn't seemed to respond to the concept of the Vulcan rituals very favorably. Perhaps she had some favorites she had gleaned from her time on Earth... she certainly had found some fashions that were not to be found on Vulcan, that was for certain.

Gripping him by the shoulders she pulled him close, her eyes locking with his own, then she kissed him with all of the passion of an affectionate tornado. Her fingers clawed through his hair and her body writhed as she pressed herself against him in a sudden frenzy of lust that was quite surprising to him, but he found himself reacting to it quite strongly, to put it mildly. When she gently broke off the kiss he was pleased to discover that he still had a tongue in his mouth, as she pulled herself back ever so slightly, only to rub herself against him as she slid down his body until her head was beside his waist.

"Charybdis, no, you don't..." he began to object, but the look that she gave him could be described as withering at best, and when she spoke, her voice was hard as Sheffield steel.

"I put up with your rituals, now you put up with mine, Human," she said with an air of determination that he found both dangerous and titillating at the same time. "I asked if you had any traditions so that I could respect them, that's all. I have a few favorites I learned on Earth... here, allow me to share one with you..."


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